Let's talk about MGS.

Jul 08, 2007 22:19

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is in NO way, shape, or form a hotbed for slash. There's no way to slash Big Boss, or Jonathan, or Roy, or Raikov-- and certainly not with each other, you disturbed people. Why, just the other day I ran across my own a fanfic that had Roy Campbell moping over his life between MPO and MGS1 to Raikov and getting comfortsex well, comfortKISSING. But that's just because I fail horribly a porn for as much as I read it! That's disgusting.

And Elisa*Snake? So completely unsupported in canon. SO HAPPY NO-ONE HAS WRITTEN IT, YO. Ditto Ursula*Gene. Eww, who would want to read that? You couldn't even post it on mgs_slash! And Null-- Pff. Who would want to have Null trying to figure out how to be human? And who would even consider using the idea he's a teenager-- an undeniably screwed up one, but a teenager, with hormones and such, who's also already obsessed with BB in-game-- to write convincing porn?

Any of you trolls who reply with that horrible "smut" stuff, you're bizarre freaks, and also foolish fools who were foolishly allowed to survive the foolhardy strikethrough. And SUCK. And will get internets and praising and love and possibly firstborns.

het, yaoi

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