(no subject)

May 07, 2007 01:54

OKAY GUYS. That's it. I can't deal with any more of that damned Joy*Sorrow in Metal Gear Solid fandom! GOD. Can't people tell that The Boss is way too butch to ever totally top have sex with a sexyhotemo wuss like The Sorrow?! I mean, seriously! GOD. You people are pervs, having them-- them-- making out and stuff after the heat of the battle has faded, or The Boss thinking tenderly of him whenever it rains, or writing any sort of pairing fic at all! Please, where is it? TT_TT

And as for this Volgin*Raikov stuff-- god, Volgin sleeps with EVA. Did you not get the memo that's he's straight?! He totally isn't head-over-heels for Raikov, AND he's a sadist besides, so stop making him a total woobie for the prettyboy. It's NOT HOT to have Raikov seducing Volgin, NO MATTER WHAT. And Raikov can't top, either! He's not as tall as Volgin, and he doesn't have any scars to make him more bad ass! Nevermind that he can spinkick your head into a wall if you set off his alert. Even if Volgin would sleep with another man, he wouldn't let himself be submissive. AT ALL.

(And the only kittie I like is the wildcat one I pwn in MGS. And that's cause I shoot him. >.> AND HIS LITTLE MARKHOR TOO.)

het, yaoi

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