
Apr 12, 2007 10:20

I have a bone to pick with any Pretear fan out there who writes fanfic that focusses on any of the Leafe Knights other than Hayate and Sasame. Seriously. What's wrong with you freaks? Don't you know that the others are only background characters and aren't supposed to be given further notice? Hayate and Sasame are the important knights, and ONLY THEY can be featured in fanfic.

Also, yaoi in Pretear? Come on. It can only be het, because there are official het pairings in the series. So clearly none of the knights can be gay. There is obviously no hot yaoi sex going on AT ALL between any of the hot male characters. And Mannen and Hajime? Totally no uber-cute pre-slash potential going on there. Not at all. That's just sick and wrong, because they are going to be children forever and will never grow up hot like they were in their original incarnations.

All of this slash and focussing on minor characters has to stop now.
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