Another Damn KH Rant

Apr 11, 2007 17:21

I know that people have ranted about KH before, but that fandom can be such a festering pile of depravity that it deserves another go-round.

You see, people are getting it into their heads that they can break the rules when it comes to pairings. …How very sadly mistaken they are. Look, within a fandom we all agree on what the OTPs are via popular sovereignty. Whatever is popular reigns supreme. However, when some people decide to rock the boat, that is obviously not good for fandom at large. So, lemme spell it out for all of you “creative types,” these are the official pairings for Kingdom Hearts -

Riku/Sora or Sora/Kairi, Axel/Roxas or Roxas/Naminé, Xemnas/Saïx, Xigbar/Demyx or Xaldin/Xigbar, Lexeaus/Zexion or Zexion/Demyx, Vexen/Repliku, … and I am sure you know the rest.


So yah, to you people who write Marluxia/Saïx, or Vexen/Roxas, or Lexeaus/Larxene or Repliku/Naminé (which is so fucking canon, why don’t more people love this?) - I hope Heartless eat your family.

This goes double for those that add in FF characters! What the hell is wrong with you people for wanting Sephiroth/Zexion? Oh, sweet-sweet mindfuck…

And anyone who includes Disney characters should be prison raped. I’m looking at you Hades/Axel fans.

Play by the rules people! That’s why we have them!

genderswap, het, yaoi

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