URGENT update from the Harm Reduction Coalition:
HIV Prevention and Education programs funded by the State of California are gravely at risk in the budget Governor Schwarzenegger has sent to the California legislature. On the heels of Tuesday's election and the defeat of initiatives 1A -1E, the Governor has proposed a revised budget that would eliminate the entire $24.6 million that currently funds these critically-needed HIV prevention and education programs.
For Syringe Exchange Programs, this cut would mean no money to the counties for Syringe exchange programs, secondary syringe exchange, technical assistance, and the elimination of the Injection Drug use specialist position at the State Office of AIDS.
For every HIV infection these programs prevent, at least $650,000 is saved in lifetime treatment costs.
Hearings on the budget begin Thursday, May 21. Please join us in contacting your state senator and assembly person now to urge them to restore HIV Prevention and Education program funding.
Send a letter from
http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1627/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=27307You can use the pre-written one, edit, or replace with your own.