Gayz! Contribute to this discussion!

Jan 10, 2009 11:47

My friend Carrot writes this amazing blog which you can find the link to below, and recently they wrote an amazing piece on legitimized queer identities and histories and this is a call out they've made for responses to it.

I would love to hear people in my community write about this, I think that those kind of stories get assumed a lot, and I want to hear the actual diversity of peoples experiences and perceptions and take on misogyny in the queer community.

So I wrote an essay on my blog about my experience with masculine privilege and sexism in the queer community, as a butch person, which you can read here-

blogspot. com/2009/01/butch-lesbians-and-masculine-privilege.

and I got all sorts of amazing responses from people, who all, of course, have their own unique gender/background/experiences with sexism in the straight world/experiences with sexism in the queer community.

So then I was thinking "How amazing would it be if this was a continuous thread, and all sorts of people wrote about their experiences? And there were, like, photos?"


At first this call-out was just going to be for femme-identified people, but then I realized how much the world needs masculine-presenting queers talking about their privilege, too.

So would you write something for me? Femmes, Butches, and everyone else in-between/outside the spectrum/on their own little gender planet?

I'd like to hear about your queer creation story (who are you? where are you from? How did your gender come about?), and about how you experience/don't experience/constantly experience sexism in the queer community.

How does the way you present affect the way queer people react to you? The way straight people react to you? How does it intersect things like race, class, and age?

I'd also like a photo of you! If that makes you uncomfortable, it can be a photo of anything you'd like.

you can use a pseudonym if you want.

My blog usually gets about 200 hits a day, which is mere peanuts in the blogosphere, but since I've put this post up (and a few strategically placed craigslist ads in the W4W sections of major cities, telling people about it) it's gone up to 400 hits a day, which is a much better audience.

I can also include a link if you'd like, to yr website or whatever.

I'll be posting every submission I get.

And please tell non-myspace friends who you think might be interested!

Email your stuff to -

This topic kind of blows peoples' minds.

Help me keep the conversation going!


Please repost this!
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