i was bored so i filled out tha survey that lindz did =]

Jul 30, 2004 15:30

Single or Taken: sadly single
Sex: niña
Age: 15
Place of Birth: miami beach, florida
Sign: capricorn negros
Parents: irolanda [veray spanish] and robert [veray whiite] lol
Hair color: almost blaqq..or yea maybb juss blaqq
Eye color: dark brown..gray tint
Writing Hand: right
Shoe: 6.5 - 7
Height: 5'4 ??
Current Residence: sunrisze

Nervous Habits: i dunno mayb crackin my fingers
Do you bite your nails? nope
Are you double jointed? uh ..no
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: no juss the rite one lol
Can you blow smoke rings? i dont smoke
Can you blow spit bubbles? ha no
Can you flare your nostrils? yesh yesh
Can you cross your eyes? sure thing
Piercings and where? 2 in each ear and da belly holla !

Who is your best friend: yack0 and ang .. and then i g0t my otha girls that i love much0 like tAda and lindz and rand
Who do you hang out with? umm jackie..sometimes ang not as much [unfortunetly] and lindz rand blake adam will hugo justin seef hoz ..th0se ppl.. and mayb kasey even thou hes an A HOLE
Crush? verrryyyy unsure =\

Do you swear? not as much as b4
Do you explode? i can =[ thats bad thou
Do you say please, thank you, you're welcome...? yesssum
Do you curse at your parents? no not AT them

Where is your favorite place to shop: hmm..well i love shoes..but i go to sirens and everblu
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? hmm..depends how generous tha padre is that dayy lol
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? uhh i wear much0 jewlery.but it usually depeneds wut earrings im wearing..lol
What's sexiest on a guy: his bodii and his face
What's the physical biggest turn on: bodii [mos def] and face t0o
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great? def b late and lo0k gr9..its always g0od to be FASHIONABLY LATE
Favorite Piece of Clothing: uhh..? pants?
Pajamas: b0xers

Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: cookies and cream
How many cereals in your cabinet? un0..? lucky charms
What's your favorite beverage? k0ol-aid [jackie lol]
What's your favorite restaurant(s)? umm..la carreta [mwahaha cuban food babiii]
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? the manos
Do you cook? i def cook..kinda..chicken quesadillas [lol lindz]

How often do you brush your teeth? in da mornin and in da evenin
How often do you shower/bathe? i dunno depends atleast once a day thou
How long does your shower last? hmm..mayb 15 - 20 min
Hair drying method: it dries on its own
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? i highlighted my shit like a year and a half ago..oo yea and in like 5 or 6 grade i died it like a reely light brown i dont remember why? lol
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink from it? sure y not
Do you paint your nails? yesh..sometimes ..my mom likes to do them for mee! =]

Favorite color: pink, blaqq
Number: 2
Food: ALL FOODS.. almost def love r0pa vieja haha noone prolly knoes wut that G0OD SHIT is!! holler at my gma she makes it the BEST
Boy names: angel or rodrick
Girl names: jaysa or ebony
Subjects in school: math cuz its tha same in every country [def stole that from mean girls lolol]
Animals: uhh doggies !! y0rkies [like mr basil lol jackie]
Game(s): guess who? [rand and lindz lol]
Month: jan
Day: saturday
Cartoon: spongebob!
Flower: rose
Shoe Brand: ? nike
Person to talk to: angie CRACKS me upp!!
Sport to watch: football, basketball
Body part on you: hmm my nose is funny/cute.
Body part on the opposite sex: eyes, stomach
TV show(s): def FRIENDS and REAL WORLD/ROAD RULES [same kinda shit]
Holiday/celebrations: thxgiving [love eating] xmas [love gifts]
Book: cuz i read !!...
Vacationing Spot: new york negrooss!
Perfume or Cologne: [perfume]=curve [cologne]-curves g0od t0o and soo is umm..i 4got the name of it o well..
Model (Male or Female): who cares

Person you talk most on the phone with: i dont reely talk on the fone alot
Ever taken a cab? yesh in NY and in SPAIN as well [th0se damn spainish ppl theys a ripp off !!]
What color is your bedroom? lavender..and some other colors are mixed in there somewhere
Do you use an alarm clock? umm my dad? lol
Name one thing you are obsessed with: sh0es!!!!!!!! =] everyone knoes that
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? nope..def going to thou
Window seat or aisle?: window seat

What's your sleeping position? lots mainly my side
What kind of bed do you like? a comfortable one?
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? mos def..i cant sleep without a blanket so i just blast a fan or put the ac reel cold
Do you snore? no
Do you sleepwalk? ha no
Do you talk in your sleep? no way
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? yes
How about with the light on? yea rite
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? radio ..at jackies lol

Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
Oranges or apples? oranges
One pillow or two? two
Deaf or blind? deaf..so i could still see if ur sexii or not
Pools or hot tubs? pool
Blondes or brunettes? brunettes.
Tall or short? mos def tall
TV or radio? radio
Beach or pool? both
Tic-Tacs or Certs? tic-tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed? jump outa bed
Sunrise or Sunset? sunset
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? def not cheeseburgers
Morning or night? noche
Sports or news? sports
Indoors or outdoors? outdoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? dayy

Cake or ice cream? ice cream [juss cuz kasey hates ice cream haha]
Bert or Ernie? hrmm?
Spicy or Mild? spicy
Spearmint or Peppermint? spearmint
Call or Write? call ..writing takes too much effort
Peanut Butter or Jelly? peanut butter..
Hamburger or Hot Dog? hamburger
Bath or shower? candlelit bath [haha jackie]
Book or Movie? movie
Green or Red apple? green
Rain or Snow? snow
Nike or Adidas? nike mos def [look in my cl0set]

Took a shower: this afternoon
Watched Bambi: when i was little?
Talked on the phone? talked to lindz..o yea and pedro called but the fone died
Who was the last person you called? hmm..lindz
Read a book? no..
Punched someone? will lol

Where do you see yourself in ten years? i dunno i dont plan out my life..i live every minute as it comes
Who are you going to be married to? uhh..undecided..no1s reedi for sexii stayf lol
How many kids? 1 so i can spoil them rotten [and def a girl]!
Future School: uhh piper..and hopefully UM or someother good college
Car of Your Dreams:lovin the lexus is300 but us poor ppl cant hav those soo i love the celica t0o lol
Where are you living?: ny!

Do you do drugs: i hav..shamelessly..
What are you most scared of? psycho ppl
What are you listening to right now?: why-jadakiss
Where do you want to get married: i dunno im not the typical girl who dreams bout her wedding day ..cuz guys are jerks
How many messenger people do you have on your buddy list: i dont count

Given anyone a bath: yea little cousins and crap..
Bungee jumped: sounds like fun
Broken the law: yeaa =\
Made yourself throw-up: ewww nooooo
Gone skinny-dipping: no
Been in love: hmm..i dunt think so
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: haha yes yes

Red: jackie
Cow: moo
Socks: white

Do you like filling these out? ehh..not reely but im bored..so why not!?

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