Jul 13, 2005 17:06
My Birthday is in 12 days!!!! I will be 18!
That means I will be able to buy my own ciggarettes,
Get my tongue pierced,
Get my tattoo,
Be able to "Legally" sleep with the person who I am currently sleeping with,
Go into porno shops(legally),
Move OUT!!!!!,
Buy lottery tickets(not that I gamble or anything),
Go into the dirty secton at Flix and Pix (always have wanted to do that ;)),
Be out past 12 at night and it be alright not only with my parents but with the law,
Be able to go Midtown and look at all the pretty glass in the cases.
Be able to waitress!
And Qualify for student loans and that means I can really move out!!!!!
I think the list goes on.... But I cannot think of anything more....