Oct 28, 2004 20:31
ok well 2 day wuz all good n shit...the black n white party is the buzz of SJN.... i hope it turns out 2 b the f***en pimpest thing neumann has ever seen!!! so i hope alot of ppl show up! pk were ganna hit it up afta right.....? lol umm lets c today ashley was being a bitch just like always(it must be that time again lol) and i threw a marker @her n hit her in the face ouch sry!! but school basically blew...CHECK THIS...so were just sitting in math class doing absolutly NOTHING and courtney freaken figourasjdhad lol came in and tryed to disturb our class so i got up n shut the dorr in her face...Well Mr mazulas all like...u left the classroom w/ out permisson so he treatens me w/ a detention..wtf who does that major gayness part one!! Part two happend at lunch wen tori decides 2 gt fucken chicago for my party...wtf is this and tim decideds to go 2 phili who does that...oo yea i cant forget ben...my tru love lol haha k8e...who if won his fucken game 2 nite wont b able 2 come 2 my party i told him i hope he looses n runs his slowest time.. i no great friend right! oh well i hope we lost bc it wouldnt b a party w/ out him...hes been @ my partys since like 5th grade i would cry!!MAJOR F***en gay ness part 100000 my parents decided to go on sum lil trip and leave me here the wk end after i get my license n not let me take the fucken car out...omg very very not cool! so its liek a fucken 12 not able 2 go out n do ne thing bc they dont trust me....they tell methey do but i think its a fucken lie(i no im not bleeping out mary but im rele pissed so FUCK IT) so yea if ne wants 2 take me places i will so drive the followin wk end PROMISE! One more thing...jessica if your are reading i soooooo def. won the ass kickage 2 day just to inform you bc i kicked u in the butt n ran n u didnt get my bac soo MUAHaHa! ok well im done boring you w/ my stupied pathetic life bye