Elections are always interesting for me working behind the Orange Curtain. Most of my constituents at the cafe are very aware of my liberal tendencies. When a "liberal" candidate loses, I am jeered at. If a "liberal" candidate wins there is the grump-ing, and the dire predictions of California, the country, and quite possibly the whole world heading right for hell in a wicker hand basket. The term "liberal" is always used to disparage my character. Very peculiar that a word synonymous with "broad-minded" and "generous" can be used as a sneer. But if that's the worst insult they can come up with, I'll somehow cope.
At my job, I see a lot of people. Most of them are pretty easy going. Some of my guests are really wonderful folk, who might vote conservatively, but tend to have a very liberal approach to life, and I enjoy their company very much. Then there some of the others that are just entertaining. The general consensus seems to be they just don't really like politics, period! Keeping true to the adage, "No one likes to see how the sausage is made." Very, very few of them seem to take an active interest unless an election is looming. Then a few individuals can be a bit loud! I hear a lot of very strange things. I wish I was kidding, but some of the denizens actually still bring up the whole"But he isn't a citizen" thing. I've especially enjoyed some folk drinking their beer and reminiscing about the good ol' days; how much better a governor (and President) Ronnie was, and how much they miss him. If someone disagrees with this sentiment, usually it just devolves down to "Is too! Is not! Is too! Is not!" because except for a few very unspecific actions, neither participant rarely can offer any concrete evidence that either individual did anything worthwhile.
What's fun is asking, in a very innocent and naive voice, "You are so very loyal! What did he do that has caused you to respect him so much?" Or some variation on that theme. I can get away with this because my age just doesn't seem to register with most of my patrons. For some reason, they can't quite accept that I'm over thirty. I make no secret of my age, but without fail I will be told that I wasn't even around for most of the events they are conversing about.
So today should be interesting. My guess is that this particular election is going to be ignored. It didn't seem like anyone despised Moonbeam, and they just didn't like Meg or Carly (could be because they were girls. So many of them hate-hate-hate Babs). I expect there to be generally grousing about the prim-rose path of socialism that "my guy" Obama is going to take us down, with regards to the governor's race (probably no mention of Jerry Brown at all, just that he is a democrat, and right now all of those are socialists). Oh, and probably much rejoicing that the fly-over states are showing some good sense! But I think the most likely commentary will be thankfulness that it's just over! And we can all go back to ignoring politics again, unless to complain and grumble about how useless politicians are, until the next election.