Dec 13, 2009 06:27
I love driving around L.A. just before dawn. There is just enough traffic to make driving fun, and the lights and freeways stretch in all directions. It requires incredible restraint not to end up in Malibu (or Portland). At the airport at that hour the people are always interesting. I wonder where they are going, or coming from, and who they might be waiting for. Ideally, I would be in San Pedro right now sitting near the lighthouse sipping coffee and watching the sun rise. But my cargo was tired from a long flight from Hawaii. She brought me a sparkly! And I hope some interesting stories to share with me over breakfast in a few hours.
I'm getting impatient! She should be up. I want my pancakes. I know! I will throw one of the fuzzy demons into the room; that should take care of things (supposedly, she even likes the nasty creatures).
A little latter still...
Well, it sort of worked. I was hoping it would walk all over her, instead it stood at the door and whined. Oh well. I can't have everything.