The time of growth

Dec 31, 2006 23:53

The world as it is, is still growing, constantly perhaps. Everyday, someone new is brought into this world, and everyday someone dies. It is a growth rather than a change, because change involves something much more... external. Change means that you become something else, you are no longer what you once were. But in all actuality, people don't change, they grow. As you get older you see things in different ways, and feel different about some things, not because you have changed, but because you have grown. That is the way the world works, and that is the way people work.

Within the span of 365 days, I have gained many friends, and lost many friends. I have gotten a job and met a lot of people, while watching them leave as well. I have fallen in love twice, once to be hurt seemingly beyond repair, and another that is... well... I have faith, no matter how stupid it (or I) may be. In this time, I have grown, bigger (though I lost 40lb's, and gained ulcers), wiser, stronger, with a higher threshold for pain (both physical an emotional). This time of my life has shown me things, the good and the bad. I suppose that is what life is all about you see, seeing the good and the bad.

Today as I was getting food at a drive thru I realized something. People are human, they are riddled with flaws which are, for lack of a better word, human. But it is not the strengths that make a person great, it is the flaws to which he overcomes that makes him something incredible. Everyone has problems, but it is easier to run away from problems than it is to face them, and maybe, just maybe... grow from them.

Life places us in awkward and troublesome spots in our lives to see what it is we will do when pressured. Everyone at some point finds themselves not knowing what it is they should be doing, because they are at a war with themselves, which by the way, is the hardest opponent you will ever have to face. There is no way to ever prepare for these events, the only thing you can do, is take it and grow. Time will lead us into many oppourtunities that we need to grow. Everyone falls down in their lives, it is those who rise that become stronger, those who rise that become better, those who rise... that defeat their flaws and become better, become more, become...

No, I am not the best representation of growth, I have done many stupid things, so to all my readers, I apologize for all my stupidity, but I do not apologize for all my intentions. This journal, for this past few years has been the place where I could finally release myself in full force upon this world. I have grown, and so some ideologies have grown, but the message is still the same for this year and the next.

Do good, always, that you may never worry about the life you have chosen, or the lives you have changed. Be honest, for there has never been, and never will be, a purpose for lying. And never forget where you came from, or where you plan to go, the future and the past are your life just as much as the present.

"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." - Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)

and a pod original, and there will be many to come

"No one ever said life was going to be easy, no one ever said you would know the answers. Somethings we will never know or understand, but that is because they are not necessary. The secret to life, is to live, and everything that follows along with it." - Me in thoughts on a topic for english quite a long ways back.

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