New Year's Itch

Jan 02, 2005 22:15

I have that same pit-of-stomach dread about tomorrow that my kids have. The holidays are over and the grind starts anew. For me, it means Monday and Tuesday student teaching, Wednesday and Thursday in mini-mester seminar. This pattern goes for three weeks, after which I student teach full time until mid-May.

What if I just want to teach now? Have my own classroom, my own responsibilities? I'm chomping at the bit right now. I'm ready. And I want to be PAID. Poor Sean has to drop the kids off in the morning AND pick them up because we really can't afford to pay for after school child care on top of everything else.
I know that I'm paying my dues, that this is part of my training/schooling, but...

There are a couple of positions open for English teachers in Baltimore County, according to their website. I'm calling tomorrow. What do I have to lose, except my cocky attitude? I have a 4.0 GPA. I passed the professional exams. I have an excellent portfolio. My observations were great. After the seminar, there's only a reading class left to take and the student teaching credits (which could be worked out as I teach). Can I convince 'em to hire me now?

You'd hire me, wouldn't you?
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