May 08, 2008 23:01

Made it home and I'm a hot tranny mess.  CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED AND CRIED some more at the end of the show last night, on the ride to the airport this morning, saying bye to Amy which was super hard to do, in the check in line at the airport, in the security line at the airport, as the plane took off, when I saw Bill and Joe picking us up at the airport, and when I said bye to miss ~W.  MOST AMAZING AWESOME INSANE INDESCRIBABLE EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE!!!  I'll do one giant recap in the next couple of days mainly for myself and for those who took this incredible ride with me.

I will say this though. The shows the last two nights were so exhilirating and just on another plane of existence that there are no words.  Seeing Frank Iero rap/sing the entire opening song of Fresh Prince of Belair during the break of Headfirst for Halos will go down in infamy.  Even better than that was the fact that we got to talk to him a second time after the show.  As always, Frank came out and signed for every single fucking person in line.  ~W. decided she would skip the the line to be fair as she has had several things signed by him already and go to shake his hand the other night.  Amy and I decided we didn't want anything signed but just to get a hug since we had gotten something signed a few nights previous.  I know it may sound weird and creepy to some to be asking their hero/rockstar for a hug but it is Frank and he is awesome in that way that you can and not feel like a douche.  Frank got to us and was his smiley adorable gracious self and we told him we just wanted a hug.  He was totally cool with it and gave one of the best fucking hugs EVAR .  It was not a half ass hug either.  He hugged each of us with both arms around us and tightly for a couple of seconds.  As he was hugging me, I asked him "So what's up with the Fresh Prince?" He got this cute grin and goes "I know, right.  Wasn't that awesome?" Everyone laughed and we were told him it was awesome.  I then wished him luck at the Madison Square Gardens show and told him to have fun. He said thanks and that he was really nervous and did have this "OH SHIT" look on his face when he said it.  We told he would do fine and bye.  It was the perfect end to a perfect perfect tour.    And nobody better never talk shit about Frank Iero in my presence.  That man comes out almost ever show and tries to meet everyone he can.  He even said that to someone in line last night who wanted to take up more time than he could allot.  He said "Oh I wished I could but I want to try and meet everybody."  And everybody is around 100 people or so.  And even though you get 30 seconds with him he makes sure that you get his undivided attention for those 30 seconds.  He made sure he looked every single person in the eye and said thank you to them.

So yeah that was the highlight among many highlights of this past week.  I'm going to be miserable depressed for the next few days as I readjust to normal life.

Hope everyone is doing well.  Can't wait to catch up w/ everyone.


PS.  Seeing Brian Schechter in person even if it was for 15 seconds was like watching the equivalent of GOD AND EVERY OTHER DEITY ROLLED UP INTO ONE roll by.  It was like he had his own fucking dramatic scary but awesometastic theme music playing behind him when he walked out.

biblical event, teh saddness i has it, mcr epic win tour 2008, frank iero ftw, hugs

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