why am i constantly in transition? is life just one big transition into death? i am so pleased with my life right now. i have exactly what i want yet i can't help but think about all of my mistakes i have made in the past and regret them a thousand times. i just wish i hadn't hurt the people i hurt and i wish i hadn't done alot of the things to myself that i've done. i wish i could go back and be more focused on the long term goals rather than the immediate fixes. there are so many thigns i wish i could change but if i could go back and change them what would my life be lik now? would it be the same just tweaked a little. would i still be in australia with adrian and just be more at peace with myself? or would they be completely different. i mean, would i be with mickey? would we be married? would i have ever ever gotten together with mickey in the first place? would i know half the people i know? god, i hate the "what if" times.
here's some robots. i'm going through a robot thing. deal with it.