In Which I Rant About My Glasses To Vent My Frustration

Sep 02, 2010 03:44

Alright. I really freaking hate wearing glasses sometimes. Thank G-d I don't have to wear them all the time. Ugh. I swear, they give me headaches in some cases. Earlier, I was thinking about my glasses, sighed in aggravation, and practically threw them off and into their case.

"Alright, get off my face." *toss*


Sorry, just had to vent. I have two pairs of glasses I only got sometime in the middle of last school year, so I'm still kind of getting used to them. Also, they aren't exactly a perfect fit- one is a bit too long and can slide of my face real easy, and the other is just an inch too short and thus gets annoying to keep one. Hence the reason I don't like wearing them all the time, like I probably would if they fit slightly better (because I'm near-sighted, which means I can't see anything clearly from a couple feet away. I have to wear my glasses when I watch my TV, which is... 2 or 3 feet away (or maybe more, I suck at measurements without tools) from my bed. But only if I want a really clear picture or if I have to read something on the screen.). It gets annoying.

I just wanted to rant and blow off some steam before I ended up throwing my glasses across the room. Which would suck 'cause the only reason I was able to get glasses was 'cause of a 2 for 49$ (if I remember correctly) sale, otherwise it would of been a longer wait, I think (this is because my mom is a waitress and, thus, we aren't the richest people around). I didn't need glasses until last year, and I only really worried about it because I couldn't read the boards/overheads at school clearly (every time I had to squint to read the TV, I thought it was from being on the computer too long or something like the light was too harsh, etc.). So, yeah. But the headache thing could just be stress or lack of sleep or something because I'm actually having less since I got them. But I usually get them while wearing my glasses, and they go away soon after I take them off. Huh.

Maybe it's just me.

glasses me annoyed headaches venting

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