So for the last 3 days I've to put up with a lot of shit from friends that didn't pre-reg for con; asking for preregs, asking if they can ghost, making plans etc etc etc
And here's where I stand:
I don't have anymore preregs, they are spoken for and have a line formed if someone flakes out. Sorry!
I know you're disappointed but Convergence
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srsly people, if any of the fine citizens who have been suggesting that they will do this are reading.
Do Not ghost. It does not make you a cool rebel who's showing The Man what for. The Man is not involved. No one is making a profit. The money the con makes goes to educating children among other charitable efforts.
It makes you a colossal jerk face. Everyone, everyone who is helping to run this con pays to get in. That person working non stop to keep the soda fountains going in Con Suite? They paid. That person working the merch table where you buy the super cute chibi Connie buttons? They paid. The person who has spent the past several months keeping track of finances, doing taxes, reimbursing expenditures? They paid.
You are not so much of a special flower that you shouldn't have to pay.
Sharing badges is not a fun half price discount. It is fraud.
What it comes down to is; do this, and I won't like you.
You cannot survive the squinty eye of doooooom.Oh yeah, also, if you ( ... )
Make it happen!
One with a good puppy face.......that can still be cute when crying....and a good lip quiver.....
Or I could get the ghostbusters to throw down a ghost infront of some school kids to beat em up Office Space style....
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