Sep 28, 2009 21:53
Sometimes, I wonder what the hell I am supposed to be doing. I feel like I've accomplished nothing in life but triviality. Sure, I've guys get an erection with my pictures, or someone say, oh wow, that dress is so pretty, or hey, I'll buy that book when it comes out !..If ever! I look around, and I see people accomplishing things, doing things...
And I am doing nothing. I am a loser. The only thing the world seems to think I have to offer is my body, my beauty, which, quite frankly, isn't getting me anywhere either. I am too tall , too short, too fat, too thin all at the same time. My ribs protrude at points then I get called anorexic, but then I have hips and thighs. I mean, WTF mother nature! Whyare you so fucking cruel? If I could change my genetics I WOULD. I am sick of being so shallow, but at the same time, how I wish I could change everything to become perfect..
There are always people prettier, more talented than me and in a second, they make me feel so utterly useless in the great scheme of things. I want to do something worth doing, but I am not sure what. It seems all I am doing lately is going to work just so I can pay the bills and coming home to do art and laze around,watching stuff.
I am lonely and I am in a void.