Nov 02, 2009 18:13
i often want to turn my livejournal into a sex blog.
you know, post entries about hilarious/awful/awkward/interesting personal past experiences AND those stories told by my lovely ladies. i mean, there's just so much real talk that goes on between us that i'm sure i'd never run out of things to talk about.
reasons why i won't do this:
1) i don't want to look like a whore. people with sex blogs, i assume, have had many many many different partners. in reality, i really haven't had THAT many partners. i guess that's what happens when you date the same dude for a trillion years. ANYWAY, i'd hate to give myself a false image of being a slut. no one wants to be known as a slut.
2) it would be much too personal. i'm sure my girls would hate me for revealing their sexy times over the internet. although i'm certain none of them read this stupid thing anyway, nor does anyone else [which i really like].
3) if any of the guys i have been with or have been with the girls mentioned happen to fall upon this, i would be mortified. end of story.
ok, so no sex blog.
i've been mega-bashing people who are all H1N1! SWINE FLU! OMG! GET YOUR VACCIIIIINE!!! because i feel like everyone is entirely overreacting. 2 days ago, i woke up with a killer cough and i didn't go to work today because, a) everyone at the office is all H1N1! SWINE FLU! OMG! GET YOUR VACCIIIIINE!!! don't come near me if you sneeze/cough!!!!!! and we're told to stay home if you're feeling a little under the weather to calm your employees' nerves and to get better, and b) i very muchly needed some, and by some i mean A LOT of rest. halloween weekend destroyed my life. oh, and c) i like making lists, apparently. ANYWAY, i think it would be totally hilarious/ironic if i actually had the swine flu and that's life's way of telling me to shut my trap. seems like something that would happen to me. ha ha ha, thanks life.
this boy, i swear he's the closest to perfect as the male species can get. i was home sick from work, as mentioned above, and he visited me with peppermint tea and veggie soup. i get that we haven't been together all that long and of course everything is great right now, but hey, right now, things are damn fine. i think it also helps that i am the most okay that i have ever been. getting over commitment issues/painful past issues/etc. saves a relationship, most def.