
May 07, 2005 13:16


im so tired of going on myspace just to have my computer attacked by random screaming, from random xHARDxCOREx (xxx!321@) bands, on random xHARDxCOREx myspace accounts.

i just like how trendy this all is and how in about a year ALL of those "hardcoreforlyfe" kids will probably move onto some new genre of music and completely deny ever listening to hardcore in the first place.

music is music it shouldn't determine your ENTIRE personality and appearance.

don't get me wrong i like hardcore alot.. i just choose not to spend hours at home listening to some band called xMASCARAxBLOODxTEARSxOFxAUTUMNxSUICIDEx and like have heart attacks everytime i hear a break down.

i love my friends that listen to hardcore because they're good people(!) not because they have "scene" hair and can throwdown well.

this will probably be deleted soon because i dont want to be bitched at but i just needed to vent.

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