The New Year...

Dec 31, 2005 08:59

is around the corner....very much so.
I dont celebrate New Year's so i'm not much of a believer in tradition when it comes to looking back at the past year and seeing what you've accomplished. However, i feel like i need to prove to myself that something about this year was good, because so much of it was bad.
So, here goes...all the good stuff that happened in my year:

-quit my first job...yay go me
-started working for a law firm
-quit working for that low paying law firm
-got an excellent apartment
-got a car of my own
-told my mom to eat my shorts
-housed my brother (it was nice despite it all)
-learned to drive a stick
-got a cartilidge piercing (something ive always wanted)
-went to ren-fest more than once
-turned 21
-was with a beautiful man
-learned good life essons
-made peace with a dear friend
-made new friends
-was able to overcome an awkward situation with another friend
-gained self respect back
-started an excellent paying job
-got sick only 8 times
-knew love
-nobody i loved died
-saw haste the day
-went to a fair
-saw mewithoutyou
...and im sure theres more....but im at work and just got stuff to do. love you all. what good things happened to you this year?
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