pleasant surprise.

Sep 14, 2013 10:26

So I decided not to suffer from couch gravity last night and thought I'd go to a ballet class. Usually these are very simple beginner classes and I get a little bored. There is a contemporary class straight after too which I often don't stay for because its not challenging other than it's usually given in Chinese. So feeling like a lazy class not thinking too hard about technique I decided to go and also try dancing barefoot... something I never do! It was the wrong week to be lazy about not packing socks because I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived to find Andrew was running the class. However this meant being lazy was not an option. Ballet was good but really wish I could find the trick to balancing on relive. He then took the contemporary class afterwards which I feel I somewhat redeemed myself from the previous nights Teflon brain and also manage to surprise myself by attempting new tricks. Something 6 months ago probably would have massively freaked me out and made my brain shut down I managed to attempt quickly without too much drama. Although it wasn't perfect and I hurt my hip the first time its given me something to work on... now if only I had the space.

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