Tue, 16:49: RT @ gothspiderbitch: “all famous people from the past were objectively bad people” have you heard of bisexual, polyamorous, anti-fascist, a…
Wed, 13:13: Think what you want about what kind of people should & shouldn’t be “allowed” to fly (& if you’re comfortable being the kind of person who feels entitled to decide that), but let’s at least agree that anyone who flies without headphones is a weird little freak.
Wed, 13:27: RT @ PlayWithJambo: Every single day it's more evident how horrifying it is to live here and how much closer we get to complete terror. EVE…
Wed, 14:57: Because they were still diagnosing people your age who had it as "mentally r*tarded," you arrogant boob. https://t.co/FiOoMQIhfT