Tue, 09:04: RT @ sbodrojan: The most romantic moment in any movie is in FARGO, when Frances Mcdormand’s husband wakes up early with her to fix her break…
Tue, 09:51: RT @ iamharaldur: Reminder that there is literally no downside to allowing trans people to live their lives in happiness.
Tue, 10:11: If you purchased a blue check, understand that you're wallowing around with these kind of people, who attack a disabled man for daring to speak out against God-King Musk. These are your people now, enjoy the "exposure" you get from it. https://t.co/g1Bza7eqoK
Tue, 11:55: I've been in a rough patch mentally lately, so I'm listing a few good things that have happened recently: --got accepted into Critics Choice --found out KbK got a positive write-up in Rue Morgue CONT.
Tue, 14:02: It is absolutely nutso how many people have staked their credibility on clinging to the idea that hospitals are forcing innocent children into taking hormones and mutilating their bodies. They WANT it to be true. They NEED it to be true. It's an almost pornographic obsession. https://t.co/7XmpqewLnN
Tue, 18:10: RT @ pradaice: In the 80s, gay artist David Wojnarowicz took recordings of himself talking about art, friends, love, the fear of aids, losin…