Sat, 10:26: I was reading @ mattzollerseitz’s great write-up on Tom Sizemore, and it got me wondering: who are our Tom Sizemores today? Who are our great dangerous sleazoids? I feel like even modern actors who specialize in villains are just too pretty to really have that edge.
Sat, 11:35: Answering my own question here, but I'm really excited to see what Barry Keoghan can do with this kind of character.
Sat, 11:53: RT @ IntrovertProbss: Sorry I missed your call earlier today. I was sitting on the couch with the phone in my hand watching it ring
Sat, 12:37: RT @ Eve6: Black hole sun won’t you come and wash away the rain
Sat, 13:53: RT @ cheo_coker: You’re probably too young to realize the impact this remix had. Everything about it.
Sat, 14:58: I haven’t watched South Park in a very long time, but I have a hard time believing it could ever have been funnier than the episode when Mr. Harrison gets a nose job.