(no subject)

May 31, 2010 19:18

Broiler Days weekend: started out fun, then not so much fun, then REALLY fun. Let's recap... Friday night Scott wanted to go down to the river to have some beer, and a fire at the campsite. Craig and I went down before he got home so we could get some fishing done. (Yes, I fish now, and it is awesome.) After Craig baited my hook and cast it for me (why do it yourself when your boyfriend is willing to do it for you?) he said, "You're probably not going to catch anything. River fishing takes skill." Two seconds later I felt the tap tap tap on my line and hooked a fish. Didn't land it, but Craig said he saw the swirl in the water. Take that, Mr. Doubtful!

I ended up not landing a single fish on my own pole, but got 3 bites: the first little one, a smallish carp, and a big motherfucker that broke my 25 pound test line (never saw what it was). While Craig was re-baiting my hook, I was hold onto his pole and hooked a small catfish. Didn't land that one either, but because it was a catfish it was for the better. Craig ended up landing a 3-4lb catfish and some other fish - I want to call it a sheephead, but I think that is wrong.

While we were down there we had about 3 beer each. I was tipsy but Craig was fine. He had the Jimmy because his truck's power steering tube had a leak and he didn't have time to fix it before he came to see me. The Jimmy's exhaust is super loud, another thing Craig hasn't had time to fix. (He's very mechanically inclined, which is bad because he does a lot of work for other people basically for free.)

We decided to go into town and have a drink at the bar, mostly to see who was around. Of course, everyone started buying us drinks so we were stuck in there until midnight. I was pretty much FUBAR, Craig only had five at the bar so he was fine. I found out the rest of the details over the next few days, since when they were happening I wasn't quite in the right mind to process it.

When we left the bar, a cop tailed us all the to almost out of town, then pulled us over for a "loud exhaust". He asked what we were doing and where we were going. He saw the empties in the back (4 cans and 3 bottles) and we explained we had been fishing and didn't want to leave them by the river. Then he had Craig get out of the car. Craig aced the field sobriety tests, and the cop said he would let him go but had to give him a breathalyzer because they were on camera. Craig blew a 0.13. Once I heard the beeping I knew he was going to jail.

They had me get out of the car and they brought him over in the cuffs to say goodbye, which was nice, but that's when I lost it and started crying. I had to call Scott to come get me. The cops promised Craig they would wait with me until Scott got there, but the fuckers left me drunk, by the side of the road, on Broiler Day weekend, at one in the morning. Yeah, nice.

So Scott got me and took me back to the farm. I got up at 7:30 the next morning and went back into town. Once I got service I found out Craig had gotten home at 4. I went to his house and went upstairs and just kissed him and gave him huge hugs. It wasn't his first time being arrested - he got an underage drinking ticket when he was 16, and also did some jail time for breaking and entering and stealing from a house. That doesn't bother me, since that was 9 years ago. People change.

It's just tough to have to call your parents who live 1000+ miles away and tell them the boyfriend they've NEVER MET is going to jail for a DUI. What a great impression. I was drunk when I called and kept telling my mom, "He's not a bad person, he really isn't, I don't want you to think that!" Tough since all my other boyfriends have been goodie-two-shoes and here's Craig, the jailbird. Jeez.

Craig ended up with a $800 fine and his license is revoked. Right now he's on unemployment because Ashley laid him off last fall for no reason (basically because he was making $20 an hour and they wanted to save the money) so he's milking the government for whatever he can. Now he's going to need a job, though.

The rest of the weekend was good. Went to the races in LAX Saturday night with Craig, Dani, Laura, and Scott. Sunday was spent drinking, watching the parade, and accidentally becoming part of it. Craig bailed at Katie's, and I tried to jump off the float but I had a hard time getting ON the float when it was sitting still. I don't think jumping off when it was going 10mph would've been the safest, so I just stayed on and drank. Kurt came and got us, since two DUIs in one weekend wasn't worth it. We got home around 6 and was sleeping by 9.

Overall it was a decent weekend. I still sort of feel like the DUI was my fault, possibly because Craig isn't making a big deal out of it, so it's like he's mad at me but not telling me. He's reassured me several times it wasn't my fault, that he was the one who wanted to go to town and the Jimmy's exhaust wasn't fixed because of him. But there's still that lingering feeling of being to blame.

That's what makes me happy about Craig: he tells me exactly how it is. No sugarcoating, so bullshit, just straight up truth. He's uncomplicated and simple. Which isn't to say he's stupid or slow, he's so so smart (he knew that tomatoes are a FRUIT! blew my mind), but he doesn't hide his feelings or hides who he is. He puts it out there and if you don't like it, go find some other place or someone else to spend your time with.

Both Reed and Jeni say that the way he acts around me, they've never seen him be that way around a girl before. Before me, his last relationship was 3 years ago, and it was based solely around sex. Craig says that yeah, the sex with me is great, but it's also nice to have someone to just TALK to.

Ahh, I could go on for paragraphs and paragraphs about him. I adore him, more than words can say. He surprises me every day. I think it's because the impression I got from him (rough n tough hillbilly Wisconsinite) is not at all who he is (a sweetie with a heart of gold). He's not like NY boys, and I'm nothing like WI girls, and that's why we get along.

wisconsin, fishing, relationships, craig, friends!

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