Oct 29, 2004 02:24
As a friend i feel betrayed, U have now so called found ur happiness but did we all not make u happy before this sudden friend is there once again. U left us all of a sudden leaving us with no explanations. I don't believe anybody feels the way i do about u now, there are many things i'd like to say 2 u but i don't know how. U were the one that showed me happiness again and what it was like to be happy again, and foe that i thank u so much, but with out u there to be with me its not the same happiness as it was before I miss u like crazy i thought we would be there for each other and help one another. The other day I stayed up waiting looking at the door waiting for u 2 come back but did u no u didn't, so how do u i feel now i don't know but give me time I do love u I honestly do but how do u feel about me? Well I have no more to say but that i miss u and wish to see u soon and talk to u.
Vee Muah:*