Chapter 1: She adored London...

Sep 15, 2008 17:26

I've been in London the last couple of days. Very fun indeed. I took in a show! I'm not sure it strictly counts, since it was Under the Blue Sky, and I was really only there because of Catherine Tate, but it's better than the other times I've been down to visit my friends and we've just gotten pissed up and done nothing touristy at all.

Ooh, and about 15 minutes after the 3-minutes-to-curtain call George Michael strolled in with his boyfriend and a member of his staff. He seemed to rather enjoy the play. I glanced over and he was laughing, anyway. I was pretty blase about that, so my rather extreme reaction to Catherine is all the more ridiculous.
I basically don't remember much about it. I waited at the stage door with my buddy, but obviously George Michael was keeping Catherine busy, so it took ages for her to come out and I just got too wound up. *sigh* I'm such a geek. I opened my fat mouth and a load of drivel came out, while she was very gracious and just thanked me for coming.
It's the usual thing whenever people run into celebrities, they always say the same thing: shorter and thinner in real life. Catherine was no exception to this rule. She's taller than me, but I had heels on. I think her enormous hair made her seem even smaller, really. Her head seemed small. Not freakishly small or anything... you know what I mean.
She had those bloody ugly sandals on (you know the ones!), and also she was wearing a big green ring and a tan leathery long coat...

Weird, innit?

Russell T Davies tell-all book thing is out veeeerry soon, and The Times are previewing it. Interesting stuff so far (RTD sure likes his drink!), especially (re:Xmas '07 casting):

"Also, Russell Tovey as Midshipman Frame, which is my favourite casting of the lot, because he's going to be huge, that man. He's amazing. I think I'd make him the Eleventh Doctor."

ETA: looks like that was published a bit too early - The Times website have taken it down already, so that link is broken. I imagine it'll be back up tomorrow, but here are a few other things I remember for now:
  • RTD did talk to Dennis Hopper about appearing in the 2007 special, but his availability wouldn't allow it.
  • After asking JK Rowling to write an episode (she couldn't), RTD then decided to ask her to appear in an episode (a la Agatha Christie) as herself - Tennant didn't like the idea and it was dropped.
  • RTD was crazy-living from his mid-twenties to his mid-thirties, getting wasted until 5am then showing up to work for Granada at 9am.

ETA 2: it's back up :)

real life, catherine tate, doctor who

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