Doctor Who finale trailer round-up

Jun 22, 2008 21:32

I feel all flaily for the finale. I woke myself up last night and just lay there trying to link everything together in my head. I failed.
So lack of sleep made me lazy today and my only accomplishment has been sitting around mulling over the two trailers for the finale. Screen caps and comments under the cuts for each. Rather image-heavy!

Trailer # 1

The dialogue:

UNIT-guy: Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war. /// Doctor: It can't be...

Jack: There's nothing I can do. /// Sylvia: Oh my God!

Gwen: What is it? Who are they? /// Donna: What are we going to do?!

Sarah Jane: Impossible! /// Martha: It can't be...

Jack: I'm sorry. We're dead. /// Mugatu-lady: Doctor, come back!

Dalekesque vioice: LOLZ! (No pic) /// Rose: It's only just beginning. (Rose holding big gun)

So clearly the dialogue isn't particularly enlightening!

Anyway, here's what else was going on:


Jack gets a phonecall, looks worried, huggles!

Something wants to come in, so Gwen and Ianto make cute faces and fire great big guns.



Martha gets a phonecall, important UNIT guy is there.

UNIT guy - notice the sound pattern in the background - the trailer implies that Torchwood are studying it too.

Martha and UNIT guy are in Manhatten, as reflected in the glass.

Sarah Jane

Sarah and Luke (Awwww!) in Sarah's driveway on Bannerman Road, then upstairs in the attic with Mr. Smith.

Um, bad stuff happens to Sarah?


Sylvia and Wilf with his cricket bat; people cower in the streets.

The Stolen Earth? Plus a load of other planets; flying saucers fill the skies, no stars.

Donna and the Doctor:

The TARDIS still red and on fire...

...then seemingly back to normal, but there's something outside.

Visiting the Shadow Proclamation? Policed by Judoon?

Hee! Running!! His hair is fucking huge!

The Doctor spies Rose?

The rest:

Rose blowing shit up, and Harriet Jones (!!!)

Daleks. Sorry, but I can't tell one from the other. I have no insight.


Trailer #2

Lots of re-used shots, but here's the new stuff (poor quality, unfortunately):

Davros (!!!): The Children of Time are moving against us, but everything is falling into place. Welcome to my new empire, Doctor.

So there ya go!

doctor who

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