I've had no internet for so long I've forgotten how to post!
I just had to shell out for a new router and so I'm a bit poor, but the router is all white and flashy of lights (uh, a little bit epilepsy-inducing if I'm honest) and I have a nice reliable connection for now. So all is good.
I guess a numbered list is probably the way to go for this really:
- David Tennant and Georgia Moffett are really cute together. How old is that photo though? I thought she had short red hair now, but that's her Jenny-hair? Also, what's on her tshirt?
- I am so confused about Torchwood. Why is it a shortened season? I know John Barrowman felt the filming schedule was a bit mental this year, but still...
- I'm due a mobile phone upgrade, and I just can't be bothered to look at phones, weigh the pros and cons, blah blah blah. The fact of the matter is, my current phone is still, a year later, the best one available. So it's a downgrade really.
- David Sedaris's new book totally crept up on me! It's out today! He's given a few interviews about it too. My favourites: NY Daily News, Time Out, Newsweek and Entertainment Weekly.
And he's on The Daily Show tonight, which should be fun.
- I really love the new X-Files trailer. The Russian one, so obviously I have no idea what's being said, but it's so pretty! And atmospheric. There seems to be a religious thread running through the movie, which I'd sort-of gathered, but it seems fairly prominent in the trailer.
Interesting. It obviously causes conflict between Mulder and Scully when they investigate that kind of case. It usually flips their believer/skeptic positions, and Mulder tends to be not nearly as indulgent as the skeptic to Scully's believer as she is to his believer when things are normal.
And the trailer just looks nice and scary. I'm being pretty laid-back about the movie in general (the title doesn't bother me particularly, and the tracklisting for the soundtrack certainly doesn't) - I just want to be entertained. I'm trying to keep an open mind.
I'm probably going to arrange a trip down to London to coincide with the premiere, too ;)