Fic: Decorum 5/? (PG-13) Pepper/Coulson

Aug 25, 2014 16:27

Title: Decorum 5/?
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe/Iron Man
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Pepper/Coulson
Spoilers: Iron Man
Warnings: Swearing.
Summery: Everyone apologises.
Notes: Carrying on thanks to the encouragement of readers and comments, especially that of Monker. 1115 words.

They talked.

At Pepper’s apartment they drank coffee on her plush green couch, Pepper leaning against him, her heels discarded, dress pulled up to her knees as she rested her feet on the cushions. She was still immaculate, loose hair tucked behind her ears, eyes bright and smiling. Phil had shed his jacket and draped it over a matching arm chair when she offered him coffee.

Pepper had removed his bow-tie.

Kissing him, hands smoothing around his neck, pushing his shirt collars up, fingers slipping in to stroke his skin so very gently and Phil had been unable to breathe until, she moved again. She followed the band of his bow-tie back around, deft fingers untying it quickly and tossing it aside with a kiss on his cheek.

And they talked.

She vented her anger at Stark. ‘Coulson’s out of her league.’ ‘Pepper was his‘, he had said, ‘He paid for her time.’

“I felt like a prostitute suddenly,” she said quietly, and Phil held her closer, kissed the top of her strawberry blonde hair, inhaling gently.



“Quit,” he repeated. “He doesn’t deserve you and you don’t deserve that. So quit.”

“I c-couldn’t.” He sighed. So loyal. He loved her for it.

Loved her?

“He’s just jealous,” she continued, “he’ll get over it. It’s been a while since I had a serious boyfriend and he needs me now more than anything. Stark Industries needs me.”

Phil didn’t know which part of the sentence to deal with first, so he kissed her on the lips before letting her settle back against him once more. He placed a tentative hand on her hip and she shifted a little, he started to move his hand slowly up and down her hip, over her waist, down to her leg. She made a little mmmm sound and he carried on talking.

“Then don’t let him treat you like that.”

“I won’t. I don’t. But I couldn’t retaliate at the party, in public,” she sighed, almost melting into him, settling comfortably into the sofa. She was sleepy, her voice slowly and almost a whisper. “I’m sorry I took my anger out on you.”

“It’s fine Pepper,” he said, and he really didn’t mind, and any other time he would’ve let her fuck him against any wall she wanted.

“Why - why didn’t you have sex with me?” she asked, quietly, tensing up in his arms. He felt the blush on her cheeks, heat rising in them.

“Any other time,” he said, “Any other time, but not the first time sweetheart.”

The endearment slipped out, but she didn’t comment on it. She simply relaxed again and after a little while she fell asleep against him. He had two choices, fall asleep with her, wake up in the night with a bad back or help her to bed and go home.

Neither choices were particularly promising, mostly he wanted to take her to bed and crawl in next to her, wrap his arms around her and hold her until they fell asleep again. Her skin was incredibly soft, and his hands had been trailing further up and further down as they had talked finding that out. Soft and warm and he had it bad.

He knew that from the beginning.

He slipped out from beneath her and stood, stretching out and pulling at his trousers, they were feeling a little snug, he couldn’t deny it. She fell back onto the sofa, eyes closed, dressed starting to twist round her body. He smiled, and bent down to pick her up in one swift movement.

“Phil,” she mumbled, eyes half open.

“Hey,” he smiled at her, carrying her through her apartment to what he assumed was her bedroom. It was the only one he hadn’t been inside.

“Where we goin’?”

She closed her eyes again, settling her head against his chest.

“I’m putting you to bed.”


Phil chuckled and shouldered open the door, laying her down carefully on the bed in the darkness. She immediately rolled onto her side, tucking her hands up by her face. He spread a blanket over her and kissed her on the check.

“Stay,” she mumbled, reaching out for his hand, but missing. He took it, and squeezed it gently.

“Another time,” he told her. “Go to sleep, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Go’ Nigh’ Phil.”

“Good night Virginia,” he whispered. “I love you,” he added, hoping she wouldn’t hear.

Hoping she would.

She didn’t stir though, and he left the room silently, slipping out the apartment and driving home


Tony turned up at his apartment the next day.

A little shocked and a little pissed off, Phil didn’t invite him in, just stood there and waited for the man to say something while in the doorstep.

“I’m sorry,” Tony said after a moment’s silence, realising what Phil wanted. “I came to say I’m sorry, and I’m an idiot, and a little jealous. “I’m trying to be a good guy now, but it’s an adjustment and I’m sorry.”

“Did you apologise to Pepper?” Phil asked.

“Yeah, she gave me hell this morning, first thing. I have hangover and she laid into me.”

“Good. That’s all I care about.”

“Yeah, well, I won’t do it again.”

“You will,” Phil said. “You need help Stark. Either therapy or a broken nose,” the words came without his thinking. He wanted to punch Stark, had done since the press conference. The an needed taking down a peg or two, but that wasn’t his job. Wasn’t his place.

“A broken nose?” Tony said.

“I can provide either,” he added.

Tony laughed, and shook the man’s hand briefly.

“I like you Coulson,” he said, smiling. Phil didn’t smile back. He was still pissed.

“Treat Pepper better and I might like you too.”

Tony nodded.

“I’m sorry, once more,” he said. “And you should be aware I don’t apologise for much.”

“I am aware.”

There was a moment’s silence, long and tense, before Tony spoke again.

“Okay, so I’m gonna go.”

“Did she send you over here? To apologise?” he asked, before he left.

“No, this is all me.”

“Be good to her Stark.”

“Isn’t that suppose to be my line.”

“I am good to her. You’re the asshole.”

Tony laughed again.

“See you around Coulson.”

Phil nodded and watched the man leave, heading back to the elevator and out of sight.

They were going to go through this again. And again. He knew that for a fact. Phil was pretty sure Tony was always going to be a part of this relationship, whether he liked it or not, but it was too late to do anything about it. He was already in love.

films: ironman, fic, films: marvel cinematic universe, fic: het, pairing: pepper/coulson, fic: title: decorum

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