All I Want For Christmas Is You (Section 11)

Apr 04, 2008 16:40

Title:  All  I Want For Christmas Is You
Rating:  NC-17 for later chapters.
Pairings:  Brooke/Sam, Sam/F (implied)...though not necessarily in that order!
Summary:  Future Fic with Sam and Brooke in college.  Sorry, anymore would give away the storyline!
Disclaimer:  I don't own 'Popular' or any of its characters.  I just like to use them for enjoyment and entertainment - my own and hopefully anyone else who happens upon this story.  So please don't sue me, Mr. Ryan Murphy!  I mean no harm.  The characters Martha (Grams) and Tonya are my own creations.
A/N 1:  I know that it's a little late for a Christmas story, but when I started this way back in November it was supposed to be a short little fic, but it just kept growing and growing, and now I'm at 50 pages and counting!  But I hope you enjoy it, nonetheless, even though it's a little out of season.
A/N 2:  I haven't seen every episode, so I hope that my characterizations ring true somewhat.
A/N 3:  Here's the next all BRAM, all fluff chapter!  It's NC-17, so for those of you underage or offended by that type of thing, please don't read any further.  I'll be back on Monday with the epilogue.

Chapter 11 - This Is Not Goodbye

“I’m going to call you every day,” Brooke stated quietly.  “No, make that twice a day.”

Sam tightened her hold around Brooke’s waist, “That’s the only thing keeping my heart from breaking completely.”

“Mine too,” Brooke sighed forlornly.  “We’re so pathetic, huh?” Brooke shook her head imperceptibly.

“Pathetically in love; maybe even a little co-dependent,” Sam chuckled softly.

Brooke dropped her hands into satisfyingly warm water, gathering bubbles and blowing them from her palms.  She sat in front of Sam in the bathtub, her back resting against the brunette’s chest.  They were surrounded by bubbles and warm candlelight, relaxing and enjoying a quiet night together before Sam left for New York the following afternoon.

“I can live with a little co-dependency,” Brooke laughed before turning somber again.  “But I can’t live without you.”  She turned her head and captured Sam’s lips in a sweet kiss. When the kiss ended she returned her head to its resting place against Sam’s shoulder.

“I can’t live without you either, Princess,” Sam pressed her lips against Brooke’s temple as she entwined their fingers together.

“I don’t know how I’m going to say good-bye to you tomorrow,” Brooke lamented.

“Hey,” Sam said quietly as she brushed her lips over the blonde’s hair.  “Don’t think about that now.  We still have tonight.  Let’s make the most of it, okay?”

“Okay,” Brooke sighed miserably.

Sam let go of Brooke’s hands to let her own wander over the blonde’s supple skin.  “Besides, I have plans for you tonight.”  Sam gently cupped sinuous mounds of flesh in both hands, stiffened peaks poking into her palms.  She dropped her mouth to Brooke’s neck and began sucking and nipping at sensitive skin.

“Oh yeah?  What kinds of plans?” Brooke arched her neck allowing Sam better access as the brunette’s fingers started to worry her already rigid nipples.

She whispered next to Brooke’s ear, “Plans that involve my mouth and hands all over you…”  Sam slowly slid her hands down Brooke’s torso to push against the insides of her bent knees, opening the blonde’s legs as wide as the tub would allow, “…touching you everywhere, kissing you everywhere…committing every inch of your gorgeous body to memory.”

“I like those plans,” Brooke whispered breathlessly as the journalist’s fingers skimmed along the soft skin of her inner thighs toward her throbbing center, “I love those plans.”  Brooke lifted her right leg and draped it over the side of the tub, opening herself more to Sam’s purposeful hands.

The blonde tilted her face upward and her mouth was immediately enveloped in a fiery kiss.  Tongues entangled fervently as Brooke pushed her right hand into raven tresses, holding Sam firmly in place as the kiss continued.  Brooke broke from the kiss with a breathless gasp upon feeling Sam’s fingertips slip between her folds to glide over her clit.  She moaned out Sam’s name as the brunette’s fingers moved easily over taut, slippery flesh while the brunette’s other hand moved back up to tease achingly rigid nipples.

“I need to hear you, Brooke,” Sam breathed out next to the blonde’s ear.  “Let me hear you say my name when you come.”  Sam lowered her mouth to suck on the blonde’s neck as the fingers that swept over Brooke’s nipples moved in time with the ones fluttering over her center.

Brooke’s body was completely under Sam’s control, and the hand already woven into raven tresses clenched impossibly tighter as Sam’s words and the sensations that the brunette’s hands and mouth created had the blonde teetering on the precipice of an intense orgasm.

The water surrounding them churned violently as Brooke’s hips undulated uncontrollably, her breathing reduced to shallow gusts as her body began to tingle pleasurably with the first signs of impending orgasm.

“Just let go, Brooke.  I’ve got you,” Sam urged, knowing the blonde was close.  Brooke began to moan Sam’s name breathlessly.  “That’s it, Baby.”

“Oh, God Sam!  Yes!”  Brooke hissed out as her body tensed in ecstasy.  “Oh Sam!  Oh Sam!”  She had to bite her lip to keep from screaming out the brunette’s name repeatedly.   Brooke closed her eyes as wave after intense wave washed over her, bathing her body in pleasure.

“I love you so much,” Sam left soft kisses all over the blonde’s neck and jaw and continued to murmur soothing words into her ear as Brooke recovered from her orgasm.

Brooke pulled her leg back into the tub before turning around to straddle the brunette’s lap.  She tilted Sam’s face upward and covered the brunette’s lips with her own in a possessive kiss.  Brooke pulled away to look into warm brown eyes filled with love and adoration, and she was overcome with emotion for the woman who held her heart; the woman who would be leaving her in a few short hours.

Brooke held Sam’s face tightly in both of her hands and demanded in a shaky voice, “Promise me that the next five months will be over before we know it.”

“Brooke…,” Sam began hesitantly but the blonde interrupted her.

“I need this Sam…this one promise.”  Upon Sam’s curious look Brooke continued, “I know it seems silly because, a) you can’t control time; and b) in the grand scheme of things this really shouldn’t be a big deal.  It’s only five months for crying out loud!  But Sam you’re not even gone yet and it already feels like an eternity,” Brooke fought to keep the tears at bay.  “Just the thought of being away from you…”

“Is the worst kind of hell,” this time it was Sam who interrupted.  “Trust me; I feel everything that you’re feeling, Princess.  And I know that I can’t control time, but I promise you the next five months are going to fly by, and before you know it you’ll be begging me to take a solo vacation just so you can have a few minutes alone.”  Brooke smiled and Sam was pleased that her attempt to lighten the mood had worked.

“Nuh uh.”  Brooke pressed her lips against Sam’s and held her gaze as she whispered, “All your vacations from now on will include me.  Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Sam stated with raised brows.  “I may deny this later, but I kind of like ‘Bossy Brooke’.”

“Oh really?” Brooke lifted herself from the water and stood over Sam authoritatively, “I want you spread eagle on our bed in ten seconds.”

“God that’s sexy,” Sam breathed out as she raked her eyes over Brooke’s wet, naked body hovering above her.

“Now McPherson!”  Brooke failed to hide her self-satisfied smirk as Sam hurried to get out of the bathtub.

Brooke and Sam lay naked and spent basking in the blissful afterglow that came following several hours of passionate lovemaking.  Brooke’s head rested over Sam’s heart and the blonde found herself trying to memorize its steady rhythm, while Sam idly played with the blonde strands fanned across her chest.  Both women seemed content with the easy silence that surrounded them, but in truth their minds were filled with thoughts of tomorrow and the inevitable sadness that awaited them.

Sam looked over at the clock that read 5:19 a.m. and sighed heavily, “We should probably try to get some sleep.”

Brooke heaved a heavy sigh in return, “You sleep and I’ll wake you up in a few hours.”

“You can’t tell me you aren’t tired,” Sam said astounded.  “Because you’ve exhausted me.”

“No, I’m tired.  But I don’t want to sleep just yet.”

Sam knew that Brooke probably wouldn’t sleep at all, so she decided that she wouldn’t either.  “Come up here and talk to me,” Sam tugged on Brooke’s arm and the blonde moved to rest on her side facing the brunette.

Brooke looked at Sam with sad eyes and quietly asked, “What do you propose we talk about?”

“The best way to tell our parents about us,” Sam stated calmly.

“What do you mean, ‘the best way’?” Brooke asked incredulously.  “There is no best way!”

“Okay, since there’s no way to make it any easier for any of us, when do we tell them?”

“Hmmm…how does the day after never sound to you?” Brooke asked acerbically.

Sam laughed out loud, “Sounds great; I’ll pencil it in.”

“My dad’s going to kill you, you know?” Brooke stated casually.

“Thanks a lot!” Sam’s eyes widened as visuals of all the various ways Mike could kill her and dispose of her body ran through her head.

“I’m only kidding,” Brooke rolled her eyes.  “You’re too easy.”

“We’ve already established that,” Sam rolled her eyes in return.  “You don’t really think he’ll…?” Sam began apprehensively.

“Sam!  No!” Brooke shouted.

“He did get that new power saw for Christmas.  He could cut me up into teeny tiny pieces and use my flesh as fishing bait.”

“Don’t be so morbid!” Brooke chastised.  “My Dad would never…” Brooke stopped when she saw the smile creeping onto to Sam’s face.

“Now who’s easy?” Sam laughed as Brooke pushed against the brunette’s shoulder playfully.  “To answer my own question, we’ll tell them about us when we’re ready.  And I think you’ll agree that neither of us is ready just yet.”

“No,” Brooke sighed.  “But it’s not because I’m ashamed of you, or us, or because I’m having second thoughts or anything.” The blonde added in a rush, wanting to make it clear to her girlfriend that she wasn’t trying to back out of their relationship.  “I mean, being in love with your best friend normally isn’t a big deal, but being in love with your best friend who’s also your step sister…kinda big.  I just want us to get used to being an ‘us’ before we have to explain it to our parents.  That makes sense, right?”  Brooke asked, hoping Sam knew that she was in this relationship 100 percent.

“Brooke, I get it,” Sam assured the blonde.  “I’m all for not telling them until they absolutely need to know.  Now, let’s talk about something else.”

“Gladly; what’s the next topic?” Brooke asked.

“Us,” Sam answered simply.

This drew a huge smile from Brooke, “What about us?”

“Oh, how about…?” Sam pretended to think.  “All the reasons you love and adore me?”

Brooke’s smile spread across her face, “Hmmm…I don’t think there’s enough time for me to outline all of the many, many reasons why I love and adore you.”

“Well then, give me the Cliff’s Notes version,” Sam urged.

“Okay…well, besides being incredibly smart and insanely sexy, you’re kind, loyal, compassionate, generous, and the best friend a girl could ever ask for.”

“With the exception of the ‘insanely sexy’ part, I kind of sound like a cocker spaniel,” Sam mused.

Brooke narrowed her eyes in thought, “Hmmm…true,” she smiled playfully.  “But you have one essential quality that no other man, woman, or dog has…you are the best kisser in the entire world.”

“The entire world, huh?”  Sam raised her brows in amusement.  “You’ve kissed that many people?”

“I’ve taken a wide enough sample to be confident in my conclusion,” Brooke leaned over and brought their lips together for a lingering kiss.  “Yep…no one else even comes close.”

“Good to know,” Sam smiled.

“And to top it all off, you’re also the best lover…”

“Please,” Sam interrupted in a rush, holding up her hand in supplication, “I don’t want to know about your ‘sampling’ on this one.”

“Just let me finish,” Brooke stated tenderly as she grabbed the brunette’s hand and entwined their fingers.  “I have not had, nor do I need a wide ‘sample’ to know that no one has ever made me feel the things that you make me feel.”  Brooke held Sam’s gaze as she continued, “You just look at me and I’m overwhelmed with desire and need.  And when you touch me - even the most innocent of touches - Sam it’s like I’m on fire and I can’t get close enough, fast enough.  More than a few times this week I’ve wanted to drag you up here and keep you in bed all day long.

“And when you’re making love to me…” Brooke swallowed hard against the delicious sensations that the memories evoked.  “When you make love to me it’s the most incredible feeling…I always feel so loved and cherished.  No one else has ever made me feel that way.”

Sam was blown away by Brooke’s words.  “I really make you feel all those things?”

Brooke released Sam’s hand to tenderly cup the brunette’s face, “You make me feel all those things and so much more.”

Sam smiled and placed her hand over Brooke’s on her cheek, “I don’t know what I did to ever deserve you, but I’m going do my best every single day to prove myself worthy.”

“You don’t have to do anything but love me,” Brooke whispered.  She leaned forward and captured the brunette’s lips in a passionate kiss.

“I do, with all my heart and soul,” Sam vowed earnestly once the kiss ended.  They shared another kiss and when they parted Brooke buried her face in the crook of Sam’s neck while the brunette held on to her tightly.  “No amount of time or distance could ever change that.”  Sam tightened her hold when she felt the warm wetness of the blonde’s tears against her skin, and before she knew it, her own eyes were welling up as their thoughts returned to their looming separation.

“I know,” Brooke sniffled.  “I feel the same way.”

“And before you know it, we’ll be reminiscing about the past and laughing about how pitiful we are right now,” Sam chuckled lightly.  “You’ll see.”

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