All I Want For Christmas Is You (Section 9)

Mar 28, 2008 16:26

Section 9 - Best. Christmas. Ever.


“Yeah, Princess?”

Brooke smiled, “I love it when you call me that.” The blonde sighed with contentment.

Sam chuckled softly, “Is that what you were going to tell me?”

“No.  I just wanted to say that I love you.”

“I love you too,” Sam dropped her head and left a few kisses on Brooke’s shoulder.  She was lying behind the blonde, spooning her closely while Brooke idly played with the fingers on the brunette’s left hand.

“This feels like a dream, doesn’t it?” Brooke marveled.

“Better,” Sam breathed out.  “I can hardly believe that you’re in my arms right now.”

Brooke turned over to face Sam and whispered, “Well, believe it because I’m not going anywhere.  I want to be in your arms for as long as you’ll have me.”  Brooke leaned the short distance and kissed Sam’s lips.

“Forever,” Sam said as they parted.

Brooke’s hazel eyes twinkled with happiness, “Forever.”

“How is it that the woman who was the bane of my existence in high school is now the love of my life?”  Sam wondered aloud.

“I was always the love of your life, McPherson, you were just too stubborn to admit it!”

“You always did think highly of yourself, didn’t you Princess?” Sam asked, mischief sparkling in her brown eyes as she rolled onto her back and pulled Brooke on top of her.

“Don’t try to turn this around on me!  You loved me then and you love me even more now; admit it!”  Brooke nuzzled Sam’s neck and kissed a wet trail up to the brunette’s ear, whispering, “Admit it, Sammy.”

Not that Sam could deny what they both knew to be the truth anyway, but now she was powerless to even keep up the faux argument.  “Okay,” Sam muttered quietly.

Brooke traced the rim of Sam’s ear with her tongue, causing the brunette to shudder with arousal.  “Okay what, Sammy?”

“Okay to…” Sam started.  “…whatever it was that we were talking about.”

Brooke raised her head to look into brown eyes full of desire, “I can’t believe how easy you are!”

Sam rolled them over, pinning Brooke to the bed, “Lucky you!”

Brooke rolled her eyes and giggled at Sam’s silliness.  “I am the luckiest woman alive right now.”  The blonde stated seriously as she pushed raven locks behind Sam’s ears.

“I thought the title belonged to me, but I might be willing to share it with you.”  Sam beamed.  A thought occurred to her and she looked toward the nightstand at the clock and smiled back at the blonde, “Merry Christmas, Princess!”

Brooke looked over as well, seeing that it was just past midnight, “Merry Christmas, Sammy.”  Sam kissed her again, their tongues easily sliding together, instantly reigniting their passion.

Sam pulled from the kiss and looked down upon the blonde, her face barely able to contain her smile, “This is absolutely the best Christmas ever!”

An insistent buzzing roused Sam from her slumber early Christmas morning.  The best Christmas morning ever in her opinion, as she was currently curled around her Sleeping Beauty and all was right in her world.  All except for the noise blaring behind her.  She groaned out in irritation before removing her arm from its place wrapped around Brooke’s midsection and pulling a pillow over her head.

“Ow!” Brooke protested, rudely awakened when her head collapsed onto the bed unexpectedly.

“What?” Came Sam’s muffled reply, her head still buried underneath layers of down.

“I was using that pillow, too!”

“Sorry,” Sam uncovered her face and smiled guiltily at the blonde.

“Could you please turn off the alarm?” Brooke asked as she turned over to face the brunette, pulling the pillow away from Sam and placing it back underneath her own head.

Sam turned off the alarm and saw that it was only 6:30 a.m.  “Why on earth are we getting up so early on Christmas morning?”

“Because Mackenzie gets up at 7:00 a.m. every morning, and usually that isn’t a big deal except that today she’s going to run around, waking up everyone else so that she can open her Christmas gifts.”  Sam looked at the blonde blankly and Brooke asked, “Do you not see where I’m going with this?”

Sam answered with confusion, “No, not really.”

“Sammy, do you really want our little sister, not to mention our parents, to barge in here and see us both naked in bed?”

“Ohhhhh!  Good point!”

“Are you sure you’re graduating college in a few months?”

“It’s early, okay?  And having you naked beside me certainly isn’t conducive to rational thought.  Add to that fact that you didn’t allow me much sleep last night, and it’s a wonder I can even string together a complete sentence.”

“Is that a complaint I hear?” Brooke asked impishly as she pushed the sheet away from Sam’s chest and snuggled closer.

“Not at all, it’s just that my brain doesn’t function this early without caffeine and the morning paper.”  Sam pulled Brooke’s leg over her hip and nuzzled the blonde’s neck.  “Besides, we probably should be locking that door from now on anyway.”

“Good idea,” Brooke sighed as Sam’s lips and tongue began to travel across the skin of her neck.  “That feels really…” Brooke sighed, unable to finish the sentence as Sam’s tongue began to outline her ear.  “Oh God…we shouldn’t…Sammy, we can’t…” Brooke tried again as Sam ran her tongue the length of the blonde’s collar bone.

“Are you sure?” Sam raised her head to look into hazel eyes darkened with want.  The brunette pushed her hand between their bodies and her fingers settled into warm wetness and began to flutter over taut flesh.

Brooke’s hips surged forward, seeking more contact with Sam’s talented fingers.  She kissed Sam passionately before peering over the brunette’s shoulder at the clock.  She breathed out, “We’ve got ten minutes tops.”

Sam smiled at her wickedly, “Don’t worry, Princess, I work well with a deadline.”

Everyone sat around the living room watching as Mackenzie eagerly tore open her Christmas gifts.  They all wore matching grins as the little girl excitedly held up each newly opened gift, Mike capturing every precious moment on video.

Brooke slid in close beside Sam, who was sitting outstretched on the floor with a huge grin on her face.  The blonde extended her arms behind her, placing her left arm behind Sam, allowing her hand to rest against the brunette’s body.  To the casual observer it would seem that the two were merely enjoying watching their little sister on Christmas morning.  While that was true, no one could see that Brooke was quietly torturing her lover by lightly stroking the brunette’s ass with her thumb.

Sam glared at the blonde in warning, which Brooke noticed out of the corner of her eye but she kept her gaze forward, her self-satisfied smirk the only evidence that she noticed Sam’s annoyed stare.  It was only thirty minutes earlier that Brooke was in Sam’s arms, breathlessly panting the brunette’s name as she climaxed, clinging to Sam as if her life depended on it.  And now here she was teasing her very sexually frustrated lover, the woman who had - in less than twenty four hours - given her the best sex of her life.  They were both disappointed that Brooke didn’t have time to reciprocate their lovemaking, but Sam had assured her that it was okay.  And as she continued her teasing the blonde knew that she should be ashamed of herself, but Sam was so cute when she pouted that Brooke couldn’t find it within herself to feel guilty.  Besides, she would make it up to her later.

“Girls, are you two ready to open up your gifts?” Jane’s voice broke through Brooke’s lascivious thoughts.

“Sure,” Brooke responded distractedly.  She looked at Sam and the brunette just sat there clenching her jaw, a gesture the blonde had come to recognize over the years as Sam’s way of expressing her annoyance, or in this case, frustration.

Jane handed them identical boxes which they leisurely opened.

“Come on you, guys, I know that Mackenzie’s a hard act to follow but you could show a little enthusiasm!” Jane urged, eliciting a smile from both women.

“Oh my God, you got us new laptops!”  Brooke looked at Sam excitedly who was slow to get her gift unwrapped.

Sam’s eyes gleamed with excitement as she ripped the paper from the box in her hands.  “This is so cool!  Thank you!” Sam pushed from the floor and hugged both Jane and Mike.

Mike beamed with pride once he saw the elated looks on Sam and Brooke’s faces.  “You girls are about to embark on your new futures and we just thought you should have something to help get you started.”

“Thanks, Mom!” Brooke hugged Jane and kissed her cheek before moving over to Mike and doing the same.  “Thanks, Daddy!”

Brooke moved back over to the Christmas tree and pulled out a large rectangular box.  She gave Sam a huge grin and placed the box in the brunette’s lap.

“Merry Christmas, Sammy!”

“Thanks,” Sam smiled in return before tearing through the wrapping paper.  She opened the box and revealed a dark brown leather messenger bag with her initials on the front flap.  Sam looked at the gift in awe and then back to Brooke.  “Thank you, it’s beautiful.”

“I know you like your old one, but I thought that a young, up and coming journalist should have something a little more professional,” Brooke stated softly as Sam continued to run her fingers over the smooth leather.

“No, I love it,” Sam marveled.

“I didn’t know that we were getting new laptops, but now you have something reliable to carry yours in.”

Sam pulled Brooke to her and hugged her tightly, whispering so that only the blonde could hear, “I love you.”

Brooke whispered back, “I love you, too.”

Sam pulled from the embrace to hand Brooke a long, slender box.  “Merry Christmas!”

Brooke eagerly unwrapped and opened the gift, surprised when she laid eyes on a dark blue velvet jewelry box.  She looked at Sam with a raised brow, and the brunette only smiled and bit her lip in anticipation of Brooke’s reaction.

Brooke opened the box, her eyes widening at the beautiful charm bracelet that lay inside.  Brooke looped the bracelet around her fingers in awe and lifted it from the box.  It was a white gold bracelet which held three charms: a scales of justice charm, a tiara charm, and a star charm.

Sam spoke up hesitantly, “I think the scales of justice charm and the tiara charm are pretty self explanatory, but I got you the star charm because I know that you like to wish on them, and I thought that you should have one of your own so that you can make a wish whenever you want.”

Brooke wrinkled her brow and looked at Sam in surprise, she didn’t recall ever telling Sam, or anyone that she still liked to wish on stars.  “How did you know?”

Sam looked at the blonde and shrugged her shoulders, “I’ve caught you doing it a few times.”

“What a thoughtful gift, Sam,” Grams smiled at the two.  “And very sweet.”

The older woman had noticed a change in the two women as soon as she laid eyes on them this morning.  She knew that not only had the two women made up but the older woman strongly suspected that Brooke finally confessed her feelings to Sam.  Of course Grams knew all along that Sam felt the same way, so she was never worried that Brooke would get her heart broken.  She looked at Brooke and took note of the sparkle in her granddaughter’s eyes and knew without a doubt that Sam had everything to do with it.

Brooke looked back down at the bracelet in her hands and back to the brunette, “Would you put it on for me?”

Sam took the bracelet from Brooke and clasped it around the blonde’s right wrist.  As soon as she had it fastened Brooke pulled her into a fierce hug.

“It’s beautiful, Sam.  Thank you.” The blonde whispered.  She held onto Sam tightly, not really wanting to let go.

“You’re welcome.”

“Well, Mom and Jane, I guess it’s our turn,” Mike smiled as he handed the camera to Sam and went to retrieve the rest of the gifts from underneath the tree.

Brooke burrowed into Sam’s side and placed her head on the brunette’s shoulder.  She looked over at Mackenzie who was busy playing with all her new toys and then back at Sam who had the video camera pointed at Grams and their parents who were busy opening their Christmas gifts.  Brooke sighed wistfully and tried to remember a Christmas when she was this happy.  As she absently fingered the bracelet on her wrist, she let her family’s cheerful laughter wash over her.  Not able to remember ever feeling so much joy and contentment, Brooke decided that this was not only her happiest Christmas ever, but it was the happiest day of her life.

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