Feb 16, 2007 17:40

Most of us following the MARTIAL LAW scenario are well aware of the RED LIST arrests to immediately preceed a full blown martial law declaration. They have to remove the voices who are warning and waking up people, the leaders of the Patriot community, people who will not willingly surrender their guns to the government, people who believe in individual liberties, and other "threats to the state". Al Cuppett is a distinguished, retired military officer, winner of the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. He is also a Department of Defense veteran who spent six years on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He's been warning us for years about the plans for MARTIAL LAW in America.

Cuppett has documentation that the U.S. Constitution can be now suspended without notice. He wants to expose horrific executive orders in the federal registry which authorize government to ignore the Bill of Rights, round up politically incorrect civilians for incarceration in labor camps and impose military dictatorship with the help of foreign troops. The framework of a totalitarian government has been created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and its military adjunct under guise of disaster preparedness. In 1994, Clinton signed E.O. 12919 which authorizes FEMA and the National Security Council to seize control of the nation under a state of emergency during which Americans could be stripped of both their rights and their property.

FEMA itself is a creature of executive order. It was created in the 1970's by Trilateral Commission member James Earl Carter, through E.O.12148. The premise for FEMA is disaster relief. Cuppett says that disaster assistance is only a front. In fact, a Congressional investigation revealed that only about ten percent of FEMA personnel are engaged in disaster relief projects. According to Cuppett, FEMA is part of the framework of a sinister governing apparatus created to supplant the Constitution during a real or contrived crisis. Cuppett says that there are heavily fortified FEMA bases all over the country. He says that forty years ago the U.S. State Department published a master plan for an authoritarian dictatorship. Published as official government policy, State Department Publication 7277 is Titled, Freedom From War -- The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. This document states that the United Nations is slated to become an "unchallengeable" military force. It states that as the U.N. builds a global military machine capable of enforcing the "peace" on all mankind:

-- the U.S. military must be completely dismantled
-- all U.S. citizens must be disarmed
-- all U.S. weapons must be surrendered to the U.N. military apparatus
-- an armed internal police apparatus, subservient to the U.N., must keep the "peace" in the USA.
Once consummated, the plan outlined by State Department Publication 7277 will put a drastic end to the sovereign Republic established by our Founders two hundred years ago. It basically terminates the Constitution and supplants our system of checks and balances with a fearsome military dictatorship to be operated by nameless, faceless, non-elected international bureaucrats. Cuppett says that elements of 7277 are rapidly being implemented. Under an unchallengeable United Nations dictatorship envisioned by 7277, FEMA is apparently slated to become the brains of America's radical transformation. According to Cuppett, military forces comprised of aliens troops and professional assassins may well provide the brawn. Cuppett noted that a military police state in USA would be possible only with the help of foreigners willing to fire on the American people if so ordered by U.N. overlords.

This is why, He says, our government is quietly authorizing the positioning of European, Russian, Chinese and Warsaw Pact troops throughout the U.S. He says that as Americans are gradually conditioned to accept the skeletal framework of an alien-troop system, "troop fill" will be the final step. He anticipates that our government will eventually have imported sufficient foreign troops under various exchange programs to keep the masses intimidated. Cuppett notes that bridges are being fortified across America to accommodate such heavy military equipment. He says that many police and sheriffs' departments are being sent police dogs that will respond to commands in foreign languages. He has slides of signs being posted across USA that will direct foreign troops. He has slides of communications facilities erected to direct foreign pilots who might be involved in covert operations during the imposition of martial law. He says that until all command installations are completed and until sufficient troops are in place, all preparations for martial law must be kept top secret. This is why, he notes, most low-level government officials and bureaucrats have no idea what is going on.

Cuppett warns that any emergency could trigger a FEMA declaration of martial law and the imposition of the kind of dictatorship outlined by 7277. He said that agent provocateurs are hard at work trying to stir up civil unrest and armed confrontations between various group in America. According to Cuppett, in order to precipitate martial law and effect mandatory gun confiscation as mandated by 7277, we must have a crisis. Mass terrorist attacks, sniper attacks, and so forth are a tremendous psychological lever for ushering in a police state. He says that individuals and factions of the U.S. military which disapprove of the demonic plan for America's impending police state are being terminated. He says 3000 military brass have died of heart attacks in the last few years, indicating that chemically induced heart failure may be one way of eliminating loyal troops that might stand in the way of the plan for martial law.
Cuppett says that, for instance, in 1996, TWA flight 800 shot down over the Atlantic was undoubtedly an assassination episode. He claims that the missile attack was launched by a Black Hawk helicopter. The Black Hawk units are part of special forces networks working with FEMA. These helicopters have jamming equipment that prevent them from being seen on radar, which is why the TWA 800's attack copter did not appear on radar screens during the attack. He says it is not unusual for our government to sabotage a plane before takeoff if that plane is carrying persons slated for execution. Cuppett has documented an example of a military plane which recently had its fuel lines tampered before it crashed, killing a number of our military personnel.

Cuppett has pictures of various penal facilities apparently being readied to house civilian detainees arrested under martial law. He has a slide of an Amtrack facility with enclosed import decks which would allow train loads of detainees to be off-loaded under cover. He has proof of penal institutions throughout the U.S. which are now empty and awaiting political prisoners of the future. He charges that the frenetic "war on drugs" is an excuse for building a gigantic, nationwide network of detainment camps to be used during a national crisis. He says Virginia has built 27 prisons in the last 5 years. He says several prisons in California are nearly empty and maintain only a few guards and inmates as a front until the buildings are needed for a national crisis. He says one such empty prison has 4,100 beds.

Cuppett says his contacts have obtained copies of three hit lists being maintained by U.S. Intelligence. The lists are color-coded as red, blue and green. These lists contain the names of people who might be rounded up when the time is right. He says there are 6.2 million Americans on the blue list alone. He noted that many upstanding citizens have been shocked to find their names on those lists. And now, with Iraq, and terrorist attacks being used as an excuse to propell us into a full blown martial law/state of emergency status, it looks like this might be that season when they begin to TAKE OUT PEOPLE LIKE Al Cuppett! And we have been told THEY WILL TAKE OUT ENTIRE FAMILIES so that no one will be left behind to talk. They have made numerous attempts to break into his home. But thanks to Al Cuppett's eyeopening message, concerned citizens of America now have a clearer understanding of:

1. Why our national military apparatus is gradually being dismantled and our defensive bases closed.

2. Why our troops and National Guard forces are continually being shipped abroad and kept involved in foreign quagmires.

3. Why U.S. troops now serve under foreign commanders and wear the insignia of the United Nations.

4. Why heavily fortified FEMA bases with underground control centers are being built and upgraded at a feverish pace all over the country.

5. Why America is filling up with foreign troops and military equipment.

6. Why the Communist Chinese government is working to obtain control of a former military installations.

7. Why special special forces working with FEMA are continually conducting urban assault exercises in towns and cities across the nation, signalling a future crackdown on civilian populations.

8. Why, under numerous pretexts, a massive campaign is underway to disarm American civilians.

9. How the phony war on drugs is being used to build penal facilities that may be used as future detainment centers.

10. Why the media keeps harping on the dangers of terrorist attacks so as to enlist popular support for authoritarian executive orders and emergency actions.
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