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May 10, 2013 02:09

After having my wild dreams the other day where Majora the tiger protected me from harm, my Moogle said that she thinks he might be my spirit animal. So I looked up the meaning of tigers in dreams, and tigers as your spirit animal.

Tiger Spirit Animal

(Excerpts from that page that pertain to my experience.)

What is the meaning of the tiger spirit animal?

Common symbolism for the tiger is:

The primary meaning of the tiger spirit animal is willpower, personal strength and courage;
Shadow or part of you that you would normally try to hide or reject.
Aggression or anger directed at you or felt towards someone;
Unpredictability in life, actions or feelings;

In the field of animal symbolism, positive and negative meanings are associated with the tiger. The behavior the tiger and the overall feelings you have when thinking or meeting this power animal provide additional clues on how to understand the meaning this animal in your life.
Tiger spirit animal, symbol of personal power

The primary meaning for tiger spirit animals is personal strength. This spirit animal may point out to a recent event or situation that prompted you to show courage and determination.

If the atmosphere of your encounter with your power animal is mostly positive, the tiger could remind you of your personal power and ability to overcome obstacles. Seeing this spirit animal also means that you’re overcoming fears and learning how to deal with strong emotions that once felt threatening, but are becoming more and more manageable.

Unpredictability and the tiger spirit animal

A tiger featured as an animal spirit guide may represent the unpredictability in events or circumstances in your life. Perhaps unexpected events are disturbing your plans, or things are moving so quickly that you are having a hard time finding the best plan of action.

The tiger could also symbolize the unpredictable nature of feelings and emotions in you or other people. As feelings spring forth in our life, especially if they are “big” feelings associated with anger or fear, they may unpredictable, powerful, like a wild tiger.

The tiger spirit animal could point to a rash decision you or somebody else made or where people where unwilling to compromise.

Dream meanings of tiger animal spirit guides

When the tiger appears in dreams, it can be a symbol of strength, more specifically willpower. A dream featuring your tiger animal spirit guide could tell you about your ability to overcome obstacles in life or the courage you have to demonstrate in order to defy challenges that are on your way. The expression “fight like a tiger” illustrates this point.

If the dream shows the tiger totem in a positive light or a guiding role, it could be interpreted as an encouragement to use or develop the qualities or attributes you usually associate with tigers. Imagine the feelings and ideas that the presence of the tiger triggered in your dream, and in waking life. Learn from what it would be like to adopt a “tiger-like” attitude in order to tackle the challenges you’re facing.

My beliefs may be shaky and I might not know what I believe, but I know Majora meant me no harm. He even told me his name, and that seems very symbolic and a very big sign of trust. He called my Nadja, who is my alter-ego, and who is far more distressed at my present situation and is taking a lot of those emotions from me so I can better cope with things now. I hope Majora comes back soon.
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