Apr 23, 2013 22:09
So I have one VERY stoned kitty, but she came out of anesthesia "like a champ" and was already eating, drinking, and using the litterbox, which is why they let her come home tonight. She's sort of wobbling her way around the house and is not currently speaking to me (except for when I gave her some wet food, then I was her best friend) but she seems to be doing ok. Her meow is just a squeak right now, poor dear. XD Excitingly, they knocked almost $300 off of my bill, leaving it at $1300 even. When I heard they did double the work, I anticipated the bill doubling too, so I am SO glad to be only $400 short! I got the six month plan with CareCredit, so there is no interest if I get it paid off in six months. I'm still working on jewelry to sell (perfectionist, sorry) so hopefully I can get the remaining $400 raised!
The job interview went well, and then this afternoon I got a call from another agency, and did a phone interview, after which I was asked to come do an in-person interview on Thursday. I'll know in a week or two about the Goodwill job, if she wants me in for a second interview, but the GCB job sounds very promising, if she asked me in for an interview right away. It'd be basically what I did at Centerpoint, which I enjoyed very much but the corporate atmosphere was terrible, but GCB wins awards all the time for employee satisfaction, AND the starting salary is only $200 less than I was making at Solutions, but it's here in town. There's bonus, and on-call, and decent mileage... it sounds good. Cross your fingers.
Today was EXHAUSTING. I'm ready for bed...