got this from my buddy luis, you should all read it.

May 25, 2004 16:57

please read this if you have the time and re-think about your decisions:

Our youth today are doing drugs younger and younger, some as young as 11 or 12. It’s at the point where most people don’t even care about pot. Pot is the most used drug among people my age( 15-18 ). It’s to the point where there are a large group of people that want to legalize the drug. So that the every day person can smoke pot like they smoke a cigarette. This idea makes me sick. If you just looked at the effects of Marijuana you would think these people were crazy.

Ok here are just the short term effects of smoking Marijuana:

* Drowsiness
* Impaired short-term memory
* Reduced ability to concentrate
* Loss of coordination
* Increased heart rate
* Dry mouth
* Bloodshot eyes
* Decreased Social Inhibitions

Long-Term Effects of Smoking Marijuana:

* Paranoia
* Abnormal physical development in males: reduced testosterone levels may delay deepening of voice, growth of beard, development of muscle mass. It can also lead to decreased sperm count and difficulty having children.
* Abnormal physical development in females: Increased testosterone and decreased estrogen levels may cause irregular menstrual cycles and an increased risk of infertility.
* Carbon monoxide and tar into lungs (Pot smoke has 70% more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke, so that heavy pot smokers may have as much or greater potential for developing cancer as cigarette smokers).
* Reduced capacity to fight off infections (and added risk of infection to smokers who share joints)
* Decreased motivation/ambition

After stating the above facts why would anyone want to approve the legalization of Marijuana.
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