Title: 80. Words
poptart_chan Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character: America
Pairings: N/A
Summery: I was too lazy to write it xD Basically, it's like a journal entry.
Notes: N/A
October 3rd, 1776
I saw a boy die today. He was part of the militia couldn’t be anymore than fifteen years old. A Redcoat caught him while we faced them off in a field outside of a little town I can’t remember. I didn’t know his name or where he came from but I know one thing.
He died for liberty, for freedom. For America.
They all died for America… for me.
America… it was only a title England gave to me. It was only a name on the map, a place where people could find acceptance and begin a new life. Before now, the name America was just another name for me.
Now… now it means something more. It is freedom. It is a place of liberty. It is a place of tolerance. It will be a place where people will one day look up to. No, not a place… I am not a place. That is ridicules. Clearly I have been with the other men too long. No one here knows that I am America. I am just another solider of the regular army. Only the higher ups know. General Washington suggested that I keep it a secret, at least until the war is over. He and the others fear of what would happen if I were captured or killed. Apparently they don’t listen very well. I cannot be killed as easily as the other men. It’s something England told me before. Nations are stronger than the average human being. I guess we have to be, if we’re the personification of a country.
I never really understood what that meant until this war began. Not only am I the physical representation of America, I am also a representation of the people who live here. With every battle, I feel the pain of each casualty. When the land is hurt, I also hurt. When the people are in pain, I am also in pain. It is a pain that I will endure.
I want to be free of England. He only sees me as a child, or little brother. Someone small who he can rule over. Someone he can control. What he didn’t understand was that I would soon grow weary of his bonds. It began with the taxes, and then the massacre in Boston. I wrote to England many times, telling him there wasn’t a need for the increased military in the cities. However, he ignored my letters and my pleads. Finally, I realized he would always ignore them.
It was time to stand up, to stand against the very person who raised me. England… he meant so much to me. I looked up to him as a father and brother. I loved him dearly and perhaps I still do. But that love must be cast aside.
England has broken his promises. I cannot allow him to get away with this.
Even if I must face you on the battlefield, I will. I will not idly stand by and watch you tear me apart. I won’t allow it.
I can hear the Coronal outside shouting now. The Redcoats have been spotted five miles off. Well, it’s time to face the bastards. Let’s see if I can inspire more heroes today.
Yours Truly,
Alfred F. Jones
United States of America