Brave Author Challenge-the Anonymous Readers!

Mar 03, 2011 23:08

Hi All

The original intention was to have the Anonymous Readers revealed on March 1st, but as it turned out, not all the stories had been posted (either wholly or an excerpt) in February. Therefore...

After pondering, I think the best thing would be this: Anonymous Readers, if your allocated author has posted the story, then feel free to reveal yourself as the prompt-giver-and by all means, if you feel the spirit move you, pimp the story wherever you please. If your story has not yet been posted, please wait a little longer. If (ahem) your story has been partially posted, you can decide for yourself whether you wish to wait until the whole thing is up, or reveal now.

As for the BAs who haven't yet posted, can we have a progress report? I'd like, if possible, to set a fresh deadline, so that the Anonymous Readers don't have to wait too long for their stories. Would March 14th work for you?

brave author

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