THIS JOURNAL will be used for...
☞ Occasional commenting in the
polychromatic game in lieu of
as-damaged due to curses &c, to avoid having to change userpics, because I am lazy.
☞ Later [season 4 through current] play of Allison in other games and venues as the player sees fit
☞ Assorted private RP that doesn't fit anywhere else.
☞ Fic snippets (maybe) if I feel brave, so I don't clutter other places with them. idk
CREDITS AND Disclaimer...
☞ I am not really Allison Cameron or Jennifer Morrison and I don't own either of them, or House MD, which is a damn shame because I'd be rolling in it if I did, but oh well. This journal is a work of fiction, I make no money, I just amuse myself 'cause I'm odd like that. Plz don't sue me.
☞ This journal is maintained by Alms, who is also the player of
as-damaged. Anyone who needs to contact me can do so through the crit/contact posts on that journal, or via email at tygrei [at] aol [dot] com
☞ Icons are mine~ I don't mind if you use them but I'd be much obliged if you'd credit me-- and if you don't mind, drop me a comment here to let me know :3