Aug 01, 2010 23:22
i'm sadly too tired to write much today cuz i had an all nighter with my buddy Lisha yesterday...stayed up for the whole entire day. Best.Decision.Ever. LOL. We started making some ScoobyDoo puzzles at around 6:00am. And then we went outside to check out my backyard. Then i passed out at 4 pm - 7 pm. haha.
I just remembered that in the backyard i got smacked in the face with a huge ass spider web....wasn't very pleasant.
uhhh so a couple days ago Sam, Emilie and I went 快可立 (Quickly) and bought some fries and Boba to drink :) It was pretty fun i guess. For those of you who have NEVER been to quicklys of tried Boba before, i command you to go now! lol jk but try it sometimes, it's good~ nom nom nom :3 wuts going on...well im having a Manga Marathon Night! WHOO! okay that was lame....i would be able to read them faster if they weren't all in chinese >w< but oh well :)
Pandora Hearts + D.Gray Man + Claymore = one happy Jessica :D
i can personally say i like action and blood and gore animes/mangas better than lovey-dovey ones :)
Sam helped me put up my 2PM poster yesterday~ yay for that! and now i currently have uhhh....6 kpop related posters and 3 Simpsons posters! My room is messy as hell so thats why i usually don't post up pics of my room. Embarrassing~
well school starts in...4 weeks i think so that'll be something new. GAH i hate it....geometry...ewww...i hate honors classes...
BoA~Hurricane Venus! Anyone excited for her comeback? :D my sister was going insane playing that song 20-30 times in a row lol.
wow...some random post this is lol. But imma go read some manga and pass out and finish off my chinese hw so...mhmm...yeah :D
Be bak some other time~