I don't understand why people keeps complaining about Kyuhyun's absence during perfs. I mean, in terms of the performance itself, specifically with Sungmin taking over the bridge. I haven't watched all the performances, but from the ones I did
see it doesn't seem like he's flat at all - he's just altered the melody to something he can manage, that's all. And my sense of pitch is pretty good. Donghae's an entirely different matter, lol. I think he had to be taught to sing the same way Kyu was taught to dance - not naturally gifted. He does his own lines pretty well ;;
That's not to say the performances aren't lacking, though. Kyu's a main vocalist for a reason.
Other news, I'm out of my writing slump! \o/ I kinda wish NaNoWriMo was earlier. Do any of you take part?
By the way, my flist seems to be cutting a lot of entries out, and LJ is being wonky overall for me. Uh, just so you know. :(