Jul 10, 2007 10:23
In response to a political cartoon in the local paper...
July 10, 2007
To the Editor:
On Monday, July 9, 2007, an editorial cartoon ran on page 6A of the Pine Bluff Commercial. It featured imagery of what looked to be the stereotypical “biker” on a Cruiser style motorcycle. Where a human head should have been, a mosquito head was used instead. On the back of the jacket, where typically a “biker’s” organizational colors/ logo patch would be located, was the phrase “West Nile Virus”. I am writing to you to ask for an apology for this editorial cartoon. The association between “bikers” and “West Nile Virus” and mosquitoes is insulting and derogatory to the citizens of this area who participate in the motorcycle lifestyle.
The image of a mosquito and the dreaded West Nile Virus is, at best, that of a pest, a blood sucker that drains our society each summer here in Arkansas. At worst, with the West Nile Virus, the image presented is that of Death. Neither is anything a motorcyclist wants or should be associated with by our community.
As a member of a Motorcycle Organization that regularly supports education, legislation, and safety as its primary and charter goals, I find the editorial cartoon insulting and detrimental to the image we strive to present in our community. Our organization continually gives back to our neighborhoods, cities, states and nation through charity, political activism, and being law abiding, upstanding citizens. Within the last 5 years, we have supported Relay for Life, March of Dimes, Red Cross, Syd’s Kids, and established our own fund to assist injured riders and their families.
The biker of today, is not a freeloading rebel who is a drain on his or her community and society as a whole. Bikers are Doctors, Lawyers, Members of the Armed Forces, steady Blue Collar Workers, Mothers, Fathers, Church Leaders... They are average citizens who are contributing members of society who have chosen to ride a motorcycle as a means of transportation and as an enjoyable hobby. The motorcycle lifestyle is not about terrorizing innocent people or being another blood sucker on society. The motorcycle lifestyle is about freedom, its about pleasure, its about brotherhood and taking care of the people in our community.
By calling forth stereotypical ideas of “bikers” and associating them with a known pest who has become synonymous with death, you have perpetuated a Hollywood fallacy. Its insulting to motorcyclists everywhere and it demeans the role we play in our community.
I believe the Pine Bluff Commercial and Managing Editor, Mr. Larry Fugate owe the Motorcyclists of our community a public apology.
Jenni Ewing
Arkansas Bikers Aiming Towards Education (ABATE)
District 20 of Pine Bluff