timetoremember 1. How far back can you trace your family tree?
On my mother's side of the family its been traced back to clans in Scottland. My father's side is a mix of Scottish and American Indian. (I am apparently 1/16 Native American, not that you can tell by looking at pale, pale me!)
2. What is the most interesting (or strange) thing you've heard about one of your relatives?
That's complicated... lol. My family is full of characters! Hmmm... I had a step grandmother who was a self proclaimed witch. Not the wiccan sort, but dark magic. General Lee is a great great (etc) something or other. Former President Truman was once a guest at a family dinner when my grandmother was a child.
3. How do you feel about legacy names like John Henry Smith IV or naming children after other relatives?
There are a few of those in my family. We took a compromise position on the subject. My oldest daughter is named after both her grandmothers, with her middle name. My middle daughter's middle name is my grandmother's maiden name. My son's middle name is after my favorite cousin. Their first names were chosen simply because we loved them.
4. Would you consider yourself and/or your family to be traditional?
My mother has a lot of traditional ideas, but our lives really haven't been traditional. My grandmother was not very traditional at all. My father is almost counter culture, doing the whole biker lifestyle. I probably seem the most tradtional from the outside, but am definately non traditional in my thinking and approach to what is right for me and my family.
5. What is one tradition you have passed on to your children and/or plan to pass on to them?
My big desire is to pass on my family's tradition of inviting people into our family. You don't have to be born to one of us or marry one of us to join our family. Its something I have always loved about my mother and grandmother and something I have tried to continue myself.