The nightmare ends... Hope friendships don't too.

Mar 15, 2007 13:06

Alright, so I leave in precisely 5 hours from now, so I'm going to leave a personal message for everyone I can remember to mention in this. If you're not in, I apologize.

Devon: I've known you since the 6th grade. I finally came to terms that we were losers in school (both middle AND high), but I can't say I didn't have a killer fuckin time with us being nerdy takin the bus at 5am haha. I'm gonna miss you man. You're the one person I could always turn to without having judgement on me. Thanks for everything.

Donny: Since the 4th grade you've been the nicest/funniest mutherfucker I've ever met. I honestly don't know how I could've gotten by without kickin it with you man. You're one of the best friends anyone could or would want to have. You changed my life alot, and if it weren't for you my emo ass would be dead in a gutter in hayward. Thanks.

Maddy: You sexy bitch, you're so fucking cool. I never realized anyone who looked like a giant barbie could have such an amazing personality. I'll never forget you. Even though we never did it. You make my pee-pee stiff. The end. hahaha. P.S. you better come out to redding alot.

Rusty: I miss having you as a roommate cuz you're such a unique individual. A party in room 22 isn't really a party unless it results with Rusty dancing around in his 'sexy undies'. I love how we had alot of outings I won't forget. Thanks for being the field trip guy. You made life here worthwhile.

Ryan: We had our problems with alot of shit, but honestly you're like the brother I HAD to have. It's like how I put it the other day: He has to wear the helmet cuz he's half retarded, but he's still fun to have around! hahaha. Take care of yourself buddy. You'll be alright if you don't analyze your life as much.

Kasey: We haven't known each other that long, but you're definitely a great friend. Not to mention you're hella fun to smoke with lol. I'll try my best to be out here alot, especially for santa cruz ^_^

Kyle: Dude, I'm pretty sure we're exactly alike in almost every way. It's kinda sickening. We gotta get drunk again and party hard soon.

Ivan: You're such a douche to people, but it's not to me, so it's fuckin hilarious.

And a special shoutout to a certain someone:

CHEYANNE: you're a dumb cunt piece of shit and i regret even knowing you. you're living proof that sometimes it's better to be alone than with anyone at all. You're the queen of rebound girls and I hope Chance realizes that before he does something stupid, like let you move in. You freeload, you're extremely irritating, and the smell that lingers off you is fucking UNGODLY horrible. Not to mention clingy as FUCK. Good luck to Chance. I feel sorry for the poor guy, receiving a fucking cut off ponytail of your DIRTY ASS HAIR..... Not only is that gross, it's fucking insane. Have a nice life, bitch. :D

To everyone, including those I didn't mention: I love you guys. Every single one of you has made an impact on my life that I won't soon forget. You made moving to the bay area probably the best mistake I've ever made. Thank every one of you.
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