Jun 17, 2004 18:40
wow the concert was soooooooo much fun! here are all the beautiful details that no one gives a crap about.....
well, me jessericaw, colleeny beany and tina marina went into the city at around 2 and we just walked around and looked in a whole bunch of cool stores and took fun pictures and stuff. then we finally found the place at like 6:30 and i got a punchline shirt and a fall out boy poster that got completely mutilated by the end of the show. so yea, then at 7 the show started. this was the first concert that i wasnt in the very front and im so glad cuz it kinda forced us to be in the moshpit and it was soo much fun.
anyway, it opened with punchline, they were ok. the bassist had the same treephort shirt as me and he was so cute. he said "i'm sorry very much" which im totally saying from now on. but they were cool.
then don't look down came on, they were awesome. i love ryan even though he looks like a cave man hehe. they played a bunch of songs from theyre new cd which i didnt really like cuz its so much funner when you know the words. but they played some old songs including start the show, bender, and i think bestfriend. but they were really good and im definately buying their cd in september.
then anberlin came on. all i have to say is wow. they were absolutely amazing. thats when the moshing really started and it was so much fun. but wow they were soo awesome. they were hands down the best band of the night. i love the singer stephen, hes soo awesome. me and tina are convinced that he should be british because he just looks so...british. and oh em gee nathan was absolutely gorgeous. he had no shirt on and he had the hottest body ive ever seen haha. me and tina wanna have his children hehe. but yea, they were unbelievable i cnat wait till they go on a headlining tour. i will so be there.
so yea, then fall out boy came on. patrick is sooo cute hehe. the mosh pit was absolutely insane and it would have been perfect if like 3 songs before the show was over some kid who jumped of the stage didnt kick me in the nose. it hurt like heck and i just wanted to get out of there so i tried and some kid like jumped into me and i fell and yea that was no fun. then me and tina went to get water and the little circle where all the people mosh insanely was empty so i was like whatever im going through and as soon is i stepped into it this kid jumps in and like head butts me and i go flying lol. but aside from all that it was an awesome night.
after the show we went to talk to anberlin and i wanted a picture of nathan and deon who were the only people out there and my camera wouldnt work so i was like umm yea ill just try and get it to work and then i came back and got it to work but nathan looked away as soon as i took the picture haha o well, i will remember his hottness forever in my head.
but overall it was the funnest, grossest show ive ever been to. the whole venue was a giant puddle by the end of the night and we were all soaked from head to toe and we had to walk around the city and go on the train like that. im sure we looked super sexy cause everyone kept looking at us like we were insane o well. but it was amazing and i cant wait to do it again. comment puhleese....