Aug 25, 2010 17:08
God, I hate my job.
Wait, I should rephrase that: I hate my one job. The other is still okay (though I'm sure I'll come to hate it in the next few weeks). Thank god I just put in my two weeks notice. THANK GOD. I was gonna wait and do it after I talked to my other boss to see if I could get more hours with them (but I think I'll be able to, since they're losing quite a few workers). The fact of the matter is that I just can't stand the boredom, the isolation and the "abandon hope all ye who enter here" feeling I associate with this place.
Even if my other job doesn't give me anymore hours, it'll give me time and motivation to search for a new, better job. I have an art degree and the potential to do/be so much more, I just need to work on my drive and confidence. Also wouldn't hurt to work on my portfolio. :P
It's strangely liberating to make a decision like this, somewhat impulsively. I say somewhat on account of the fact that it's something I've been thinking to do, but not before I had the opportunity which my other job has now afforded me. This life is full of choices! I just hope I've made a right one this time...
Better not to over think it right now. What's done is done.
poprock_pixie: rant