So, my mom and grandma used to have me watch "Annie" when I was reaaaaaaally little, and apparently I wore the tape out from watching it so much. Yet nowadays, I can't remember much (if any) of it. I was talking to Lauren and Erica about this at B&N today, and they started singing "Tomorrow" and "Hard Knock Life", which are things I do know from just being in the world and hearing them frequently. However, you'd think for watching as much as I've been told I have, that I'd know everything about that movie. But apparently, I blocked it out. I started getting faint glimmers of it when the girls were talking about the movie, so I blurt out, "I'm the poster child for repressed memories! Not bad memories, like 'touched by an uncle' or anything, but still... repressed memories nonetheless." Saw that hot barista guy there today, too. I have successfully eye-molested him, but not actually said anything to him other than my order. I need to grow up and just flirt a little. I looked pretty cute today, too. However, I'm pretty sure that nobody wants to date a jobless bum.
As far as the job thing goes, I've mailed out more applications today. These things are actually within my field, and I did some prospecting for places that I would be good for that don't necessarily have listings for any openings. I got some info about that stuff from a couple of my knitting group ladies on Tuesday, and I'm extremely appreciative of that. I've got more leads to follow, too. I was talking about this one place with one of them, and a customer at B&N came up to me and gave me contact info for someone there, because she worked there, too. It's amazing what you can find out just by talking to people. Now I'm kind of sorry I waited so long to get on this. At least I'm refreshed and ready to go now, though.
And now, I leave you with this gem:
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