Feb 16, 2007 20:46
I got a single in mara - i like it.
ashley is home for her bday - being alone more is weird. who cares. i dont do it enough so it is something to try out for a change. how can a person go from talking all the time to not talking ever and not even notice. I guess thinking can feel like a lot of people talking all at once.
i dont do a lot of talking anyway. i think that is a half problem. half the time it is good cos you dont want to be annoying and most people dont have anything interesting to say anyway. we're all hacks but thats ok. people tend to hang out with hacks that get along. i like the people i hang out with. that leads to the half bad part. you dont want to just sit in a room and never add anything. you arent really a friend that way. you are more of a viewer. not participating and treating it like its all a sitcom. what kind of friend is that? when i see myself not talking a lot, i feel like i am doing this. not intentional.
but then its the same with people who talk a lot without really saying anything. a joker or a naysayer add to an environment but not always in a good way. is that part not being a good friend too? what real substance do you add with this?
I guess more than just what you say or dont say, its most important to be a friend in your actions. if you are dependable and helpful, those are qualities everyone looks for in friends. most people are like this and that is where what they say comes in to the picture. you choose who of the good people you hang out with by how you get along. if you arent a talkative person, it doesnt matter how nice you are, people wont notice you.
unless they are looking for the quiet type for whatever reason.
i guess there are friends for every type of good person. just being a good person matters.
sorry about that part anyone or noone reading. long rant or something.
five day film festival this weekend. working with pat, wilfong, and corey. all funny people. all friends. i am excited with how its going and how its probably going to end up. its going to be great.
does anyone still read livejournal? whatever.
well they also point one at you,
come stand and hold this gun",
when they say "son