Jan 10, 2007 20:49
Alright, I'm ready for this damn break to be over with already. I'm bored and getting tired of bonding with the rents although mommy did pay for me to get my first pedicure today. Then again, she also made me go to the gynecologist. A decent trade I suppose although it was the first time they ever poked around down there and I wasn't happy one bit let me tell you. I feel so violated. Porn and pizza night was fun Saturday though there so could have been more porn watched and more pizza eaten. However unfortunately a certain exboyfriend of mine made an appearance at said get together and made me excessively uncomfortable by getting drunk and passing out on my couch. He then proceeded to wake me up the next afternoon (yeah afternoon) by yanking off my blanket. Thank god I was wearing shorts to bed for once. I usually prefer to just hop in bed in my undies. He's starting to come on way too strong right now especially when he knows I'm involved with someone else. Should probably get used to it though since Patricia's boyfriend is moving in with him and that means I'll probably be seeing more of him as he learns of more Cepheid get togethers. He did buy me some Bailey's though.... but that goes back to one of our base problems, you can't buy my affection.
Boy is supposed to get off the rig tomorrow and is staying in Houston to bond with his brother until Saturday eveningish. Sucks for me cause I have to work Sunday morning which minimizes reunion time by a helluva lot. This time and distance is really starting to get to me. We talked about me potentially going up Friday to hang with them but I'm not too sure that's gonna happen. We'll see.
I'm just really getting sick of exboyfriends.